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Aren's POV:


I was waiting outside of class for my little blueberry to get all his stuff packed up. The late afternoon sun hitting my face causing me to squint a little, I tilted my head slightly upwards to see people walking home talking to their friends about god knows what. I smiled slightly. I like this new life better then what my life used to be, my ex punk phase, but I was over that now. the slight breeze making my hair sway side to side. I was concentrating on my thoughts until I felt a small warm hand touch my shoulder lightly. 

"Hey Aren, sorry I took so long!" Kaidou chuckled softly rubbing the back of his neck. I turned around to see his little eyes closed and his smile spread across his face. He had his bag on his shoulder with the zip half done up. 'Awh he's so adorable with his fluffy blue hair and and soft hands covered in red bandages... I love him so much..' "Umm Aren? Earth to Aren??" Kaidou said waving a hand in front of my face. "Oh yes Kaidou?" 'Oh crap I must've zoned out' I thought a little bit alarmed. "You zoned out for a bit but that's ok! We better start heading home now!" 

We took off our school shoes, put on our regular shoes and left. By this time there was only about two people still at school since Kaidou and I had left a little late. We were almost at Kaidous place when it started to rain. "Dang it, I forgot my umbrella at scho-" Kaidou started but I cut him off. "Here take my umbrella I don't mind the rain" I gave Kaidou his umbrella, smiling.  Kaidou stopped in his tracks "A-are you sure? You'll get soaked!" I bent down and kissed Kaidous fluffy hair. "Of course! Now open it before you get soaked!" I giggled. Kaidou opened it a bit hesitantly and put it over his head. 

We arrived at Kaidous place and we knocked on the door. "Hello Shun, Hello Kuboyasu" Kaidous mother had opened the door. "Hi mama! Aren's house is getting renovated at the moment and I was wondering if he could stay the night?" Kaidou said while rocking back and fourth on his heels. "Hmmm.." she hummed "Well why not, Come in." 

"Alrightly, well you boys can do whatever you want I need to do some work in my office. Just don't blow up the house or do anything ridiculous."

We nodded and Kaidou smiled at her. We made our way upstairs to Kaidous room, my blueberry yawning sweetly. "Ok so watcha wanna do?" Kaidou asked me. 

"Hmm do you have any video games we could play?"

"Hmm.. yes I do! I have Call of duty, Minecraft and I think some more."

"Ooh Minecraft sounds fun!"

A couple hours later the sun was setting and the sun was shining through Kaidous window. "I think we should have a break and do something else for a while, we've been playing for hours!" I said rubbing my eyes and yawning. "Y-yeah I think so" Kaidou agreed yawning mid sentence. I looked at him, my beloved boyfriend. I loved spending time with him even the smallest moments meant so much to me. "So do you want to go for a walk before it gets dark?" I said looking out the window. "Sure! Just let me get changed into something warmer." He said looking down at his school uniform. "I should to, didn't I leave some clothes here last time I stayed over?"

"Oh yes you did! Mama washed them.." Kaidou searched through his draws to find the clothes. "Here you go!" He threw the clothes to me and I caught them.

"I'll go get changed in the bathroom" I said leaving the room. I came back about 5 minuets later pulling a sweater over myself. "Ready?" I asked when Kaidou was pulling on his socks.


"Mama! Aren and I are going on a walk, be back soon!" 

"Ok! Don't be out to long!"

I closed the door behind both of us as we finished putting on our shoes. I held his hand in a lose grip as we started our walk. Kaidou clung onto my arm as the cold air blew onto him causing his hair to blow. He clearly didn't  "Here," I said stopping and taking off my sweater. I pulled the sweater over his small head and it dropped to his knees showing how much taller I was then him. 'Awh he looks adorable' Kaidou smiled broadly at me his expression saying 'Thank you.' We continued out walk down the block Kaidou tightening his grip on my hand. His little cold hand pressing against mine still made me blush like a middle schooler. Oh if only he could know how much I loved him,  how much I loved my little blueberry. 

Word count: 858 

(Hii! It's ash here, hope you are all doing well and looking after yourself! If you have any feedback or suggestions please write them in the comments <3)

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