><Chapter 1><

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A young girl sat on a air ship called the La Baleine, looking around while hugging a Red Fox, she walked next to a man with White hair and violet eyes who had offered her help when he saw her lost while trying to find the boarding deck to the flying ship

While walking they came across people looking at a board "Oh look here" the girl heard a lady say, while walking closer infront of the white haired male "they say a vampire's appeared" 


"How terrible"

"But that can't possibly be, I though those abominations where wiped out centuries ago during the war with human kind!"

"Does this mean some of the survived?"

The man who she was walking with stopped next to her 

"Maybe they've come back to get their revenge on us!" 

"Nonsense, vampires are only a folk tale"

"Perhaps not. My great grandfather swears to have seen one"

"Please it's nothing but a ghost story"

The girl looked up at the male 

"Not to worry, the church and the chasseuse will deal with them"

She noticed the man turn his head slightly 

"Mr.Noe? Are you alright?" The young girl asked quietly, barely above a whisper

"Oh yes I'm fine Y/N" he said smiling at her, then turned his head up to listen again

The young girl looked stunned as Noe ran over suddenly, leaving her alone with the Fox in her arms, the red Fox looked up at her as she looked down at it and let the Fox stand on the floor, it sniffed the floor and started walking, She followed after it, but soon the Fox stopped and she looked infront of her at a table, Noe stood there with a tray as a lady sat at the table, the girl scoffed as she picked the Fox back up again trudging over grumpily, the lady looked over at her as the girl stood next to Noe and smacked him around the head 

"OW!" He exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head turning to the girl "sorry for leaving you behind Y/N" he said smiling sheepishly, she pouted 

The Fox jumped out fo my arms and circled my legs 

"Oh and who may you be miss?" The woman asked smiling at the girl, she started blankly at her before shuffling over putting her hand on her shoulder and then pointing her other fans at herself then put both her hands together shaking her other hand "im sorry Miss Amelia, this is Y/N, she doesn't speak much" Noe said 

"Schläger-Gehirn" Y/N said quietly

(I don't speak German so I'm relying on google translate so please correct me if any German words are wrong!)

Your POV:

I noticed the lady Holding Murr "oh, im Amelia!" She smiled at me again, I nodded at her, "all passengers your attention please, La Baleine will be arriving in Paris momentarily" the lady spoke through the intercom Noe gasped and stood up suddenly 

Then he ran over to the window putting his hands on the glass, I looked at Amelia, then grabbed her hand and dragged her over 

"Paris! Where's Paris Mademoiselle Amelia!?" Noe asked, he was ecstatic "I can't see it anywhere!" 

I picked Femex (the Fox) up and started rubbing her head

"I don't think we can make it out from here.." she admitted "awe.. oh dear, I suppose not, that's most unfortunate., to think something of such enormous weight could be made to float through the air like this.. the power of Astromite is truly awe inspiring" 

Amelia laughed a bit "can I assume this is your first time on a air ship sir?" She asked "yes" Noe replied Plainly "how lovely! Do you plan to see the sights?" 

"No.. I've come to retrieve something" Noe admitted "may I ask what?" 

"The book of Vanitas.." he said, Amelia flinched as her eyes widened a bit as she let go of Murr "you may have heard of it.. actually it appears in a folk tale, Called the vampire of the blue moon, it's an accursed Grimoire" 

Noe turned around and picked up Murr walking away, "seems I lost track of time..it's been a nice chat, we should probably get ready to disembark" Noe turned away, and I started following him, people started walking out of the room after a few seconds of walking the intercom went off again "attention please.. the ships passengers facilities are no longer available. We respectfully request that any passengers who have not yet-" 

"About what you said" Amelia started walking close "I don't mean any disrespect to you Monsieur, do you truly believe the book of Vanitas is real?" She asked 

"I don't know.. but I'd did receive a letter stating that the book had been sighted here, so.. I shall let guid my way" he said "I picked this one up when I saw her looking quite lost" he said patting my head "I believe what it says.. it's from my former teacher..so you see this trip to Paris is more of an necessity" 

I heard A thud and looked behind me Amelia had fallen to the ground her breathing laboured, Noe turned around too, Femex started hissing and baring her teeth at Amelia 

"Huh.. mademoiselle, are you  alright!" Noe asked running over 

"DONT TOUCH ME!" She screamed, I stepped back a bit, the lights blew out and the glass broke some fell in my arm and made a fresh wound, not too deep but deep enough to sting 

Murr started Hissing now, she leaned against the railing, I swear I saw red in her eyes.. 'A curse bearer?' I'm not stupid, I know quite a lot on vampires and the current situation in France 

"Your eyes..." Noe stared "they burn.. like those of a vampire" Amelia took a big gasp of air 

One of the windows suddenly burst open and man flew in from it, beelining towards Amelia "IVE GOT YOU NOW!" He stuck one of his hands infront of him, I closed my eyes to hear nothing but air, I looked up and Noe held my arm and we where on a different part of the Balcony, causing the man with the black clawed gloves to hit nothing 

I walked back slowly, no human could move at hat speed, the man glared at Noe, I decided to hide behind a plant to the side and watch 

"Or at least I thought I had you.." he said smirking "and who the devil are you?" He asked 

"I might ask you the same" Noe replied, holding onto Amelia, I grabbed onto Murr and Femex and held them close 

"My business is with the lady, I'll give you some friendly advice, get out of my way.. now. Or your in for a world of pain.." the man tilted his head to the side

I grabbed my bag and dropped Murr, he's a smart cat, he can get out of danger but Femex is quite the stupid one, I saw Noe Turn to me the moment I stood up, but he kept talking, I quickly ran past to go to the stairs that leads upwards, I saw the man more clearly, he had Bright blue eyes that resembled the blue moon, I saw his eyes turn to me for a second but then he bee-lined for Noe, I ran up and didn't look back, I'm but a child, what can I do against an adult?..

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