Season 1 Episode 8

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To describe about what both Ian and Phong were feeling about the little outburst that Jaune had made. Let's just say....their disappointment and displeasure is immesurable and their day is just that ruined for them

"So you're saying...he kept declining your offers to help him and wants to be alone with THAT bastard?" He asked, arms crossed with his expression voicing the amount of displeasure he had for that boy trying to not get help

"Yes....he did, he even declined Pyrrha's offer too" Mizuki then added, she also feels disappointed at him for not getting some help from them or his fellow teammates

This seems to be a problem, if nothing was to be done then Ozpin might have done something to expel Jaune from Beacon Academy thanks to the Dickbags from CRDL. So they began to think of other possibilities and options on how to help him

"Oh and, while the Headmaster was away. Well....during my Janitor duties in cleaning the hallway..." Chantaya then spoke up, earning him raised eyebrows from his team and smiled sheepishly "....I checked the Headmaster's office under Ryu's orders....."

"You did WHAT???"

"Hey! It wasn't me! It was Ryu who told me to sneak inside and gather some info-"

"Well.....i kinda did?"

In an instant, that facepalm came from a certain Dac Cong Operator and groaned

"....and what's next after that?..." He then proceeded to ask, curious to know about what Chan did since he took a peek right down at the Headmaster's own files with the Staff not around since it's night and one could wonder of a CCTV managed to record what he did

" here's what i discovered...."


I was just busy doing my daily basis of being the Voluntary Janitor of all Beacon and getting myself rewarded with the Good Deeds stamps all over my arms

[ Ian: What is this? Kindergarten? ]

[ Chantaya: Nah, i just realized i was too old to even attend Kindergarten ] anyways, once night fell and the Teachers either were preparing the test papers for finalization of this year's Classes or just straight up go to sleep, Ryu here decided to just barge in here and say this right infront of my face

"Hey, Chantaya. I need something to ask" He said

"What is it?" I did ask him on what he wanted to just say. And so he began to tell me all about what happened back there at the Cafeteria when he noticed Jaune acting weird as usual, i also noticed it as well and began thinking about it

"It's.....definetly weird so, he must've hiding something else.." Ryu said again

"What is it he's keeping a secret?" I asked yet again

The Marine let out a mmmm sound coming from his noise while scratching his stubble. I was about to finish cleaning up the mess some of the Students made here until he just said this

"If i had to ask. Can you sneak up on the Headmaster's Office for me?" He requested, that moment i just chuckled thinking it was a joke. I didn't realize it until then

"Is this some kind of joke or a prank you just set up for me?" I asked, and yet he looked at me as if he wants me to do something important in which led me to this

"......Please tell me you're joking with me..." Realization dawned upon me once he gave me that look

"Yes" he said. And he was serious. He even offered to do mt work for me if i do it so i relented and gave up my Mop and Bucket

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