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3rd person pov
Gojo stood there confidently beneath the lantern the only source of light

His white was down shimmering under the light while his pitch-black glasses dimly glinted cool expression

The special grade vengeful curse Orimoto Rika was completely manifested for four hundred and twenty-two seconds a voice behind the panels said

We entrusted okkotsu to you exactly to avoid this kind of situation, another voice said

You had no room for excuses Gojo Satoru

The vessel of the Jujutsu sorcerer being friended with the vengeful spirit Orimoto Rika her emotions coming out

Well I hadn't planned on making any excuses though he said

I guess my sister befriended with Rika even though her emotions are coming out just let her be you know you wouldn't let (Name) use her heavens feel to set her free but she will still use it gojo said in a serious tone

Are you messing with us?! A man behind the panel demanded

If we left Orimoto Rika as it was a whole town could've been destroyed

Gojo stuffed his hands into the pockets

I'd risk my life to stop it if it came to that but you know there's only one thing that we can say about that curse it's UNKNOWN

The room was silent

How could a curse from a girl who has no relations to jujutsu sorcerers even become that stupidly big and befriend with (Name) she doesn't mind it at all befriending with Orimoto Rika's soul? He added before opening his arms

It's impossible to control something we don't understand we gotta do some trial and error leave us be for awhile

Don't forget that Okkotsu's hidden execution is only on hold another voice reminded

He glance back at the voice Gojo threatened them staring at them through the panel

And if it comes to that don't forget that me and (Name) will side with okkotsu? Gojo warned as his piercing blue eyes glinting dangerously from his glasses

Geez, what a bunch of tasteless old men. Gojo muttered taking off his glasses

don't wanna become like that

slipping his glasses into one of his pockets in his clothing he took out a new set of bandages that his little sister had he wrapped the bandage over his eyes as he made his way to the first years with (name)

It's unforgivable the youth from kids you know he continued walking as his eyes landed on the new student who was training with maki (name) watch them

No matter who this is

Yuta then notice a presence behind he turned around wiping the sweat off his face as he gaze at his teacher

Hey hey everyone Gojo waved

How are you feeling he asks

Ah um... Yuta stuttered until he was interrupted by a loud whack on his face

The other two students watch maki as she scolds yuta

Metropolitan Magic technical school
A place where you learn about curses to dispel curse

A school for jujutsu sorcerers

Don't look away moron
