Chapter Twenty Seven "Captured"

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[25th June 2020, Friday]
{11:44 a.m.}

"I still don't believe you... you burned the entire forest, Blaza!" Woolf shouted the last part, crossing his arms. "And I told you it wasn't me that do it! It was someone else but that person was in my body!" Blaza argued back, clearly annoyed at the point.

Before Woolf could snap at him, Joocie interrupted them. "Ok-! That's enough!" He yelled aloud, making the both of them turned towards him. "Look! I know that we can't quite believe Blaza's explanation right now since it's seems quite strange but we could try give him a second chance" He stated, earning different types of looks from his friends.

"You gonna be kidding me, Joocie?! You want to give this man that burned the entire forest a second chance?!" Woolf asked him aloud. "Yes! Besides, we only know he burned the forest, we didn't exactly have any proofs about him killing our friends" Joocie explained once again.

There was a moment of silent between them until one of them spoke. "Fine... but I'm keeping an eye on you!" Woolf said, glaring at Blaza who shot back. "We should go find Muffin. He's still out there alone in the forest!" Meme quickly stated, changing the subject and worrying about the 14 year old kid.

Socks bit his lips nervously at the mention of 'Muffin' name. "Ya... about him..." He slowly stated, rubbing his hand behind his back of his head. "H-He died in the forest fire..." He shuttered, already ready for his friends to shout at him with questions.

"How?" Meme questioned, holding down the urge to shout at his orange friend.

"I-I don't know... He was already gone when I found him" Socks lied, it was half of the truth though. The other four were silent a moment before believing the spaceman's story. "So... what are we gonna do now?" Joocie spoke up, asking.

"We could try make some self defence stuffs?"


[25th June 2020, Friday]
{1:28 p.m.}

The four spirits were watching their alive friends making some self defence weapons out of broken sticks which they were failing miserably. "To be honest... this is kinda boring" Muffin complained, crossing his arms.

"You have the same reaction as Nadwe when he first became a spirit" Laff commented while Tbh was chuckling quietly. "Thanks for nothing" Nadwe remarked angrily.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go have a walk around! Bye!" Muffin said before teleporting away. "Wait-!" Nadwe tried to stop him but it was too late. Laff facepalmed at the action of the 14 year old kid.

"I guess he forget that why Dino isn't with us at the moment" Tbh exclaimed, sighing aloud. "Maybe you should go after him? We're not losing another spirit friend here" Laff suggested, explaining the last part. The crab hesitated for a while before nodding his head in response and teleported away.


Tbh blinked a few times at the sudden change of his surroundings. His gaze scanned around the area but he didn't spot the 14 year old kid around. "Muffin? Are you there?" Tbh questioned but silence greeted him.

"Maybe he isn't here...?"

The wind suddenly became stronger which made Tbh felt like something bad was about to happen as the cold feeling ran through his body. "Laff, I can't find Muffin... I felt like something is wrong, like really wrong" Tbh spoke towards the British man through the mind communication.

Before he could get a reply from Laff, an unfamiliar voice made him froze in shock. "You looking for someone?" A figure appeared right in front of him, making Tbh yelped in surprise. "Uh- who are you?" He questioned, not letting his guard down.

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