The picnic

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The day when Rania was still at the hospital

Rania's POV

Darkness.... Why is everything so dark?? Help.....i am scared of the dark...Where are my brothers? *sounds of crying and yelling *
Who is that?? Are they perhaps here?? No....why would they be....they hate me...right? *Sigh* i am tired....I'll go back to sleep for now......

Time skip: 10 months later
Doctor Lee's POV

I was going to check up on Rania like always. It's been a few months since she got into a coma and we are all concerned. Mostly because she doesn't respond to our treatment. I am very worried for my baby but I see BTS all day crying for her. They have really regretted how they treated her. After all they are their sister. My brother couldn't control his disease so it's not Rania's fault. She was so innocent but look at her now. Broken. That's how I,her uncle,would describe her as. I am trying to help her as much as I can cause I love her. Since my brother died i promised to treat Rania as my own daughter. And I did my best for her to feel like that as well.

As I was outside her room i heard beeping from the inside. I froze.

Me: no no

I run inside and saw my baby....lying lifelessly on the hospital bed.

Me: RANIA!!!

I run to her and checked her breathing.

Me: No baby NO

I prepared the AED machine and put pads on her chest.

Me: Come on baby!! Come on!!!!!

I did it again and again and again didn't work.....she is baby is gone......

Me: NO!!!.. please don't do this to me....please.... Wake up!! Auntie misses you!! Your brothers need you!! They love you Rania..I love you!!! Please wake up sweetheart please!!!

I tried once again but nothing......she really is gone..... At this point i was crying. The nurse that i didn't know was in the room spoke

Nurse: Dr.Lee.....time of death 7:24 pm....
Me: baby.....

The nurse saw my state and decided to leave.

Me: What am I going to do without you??? Huh? You were like the daughter i never had...i love you so much Rania-nie!!! Your aunt also does. She is gonna be so sad when she hears that you are gone. Do you want your aunt to be sad??? Your brothers are also going to cry a lot.... Oh my god... I have to call the boys.

I got up from the floor, wiped my tears even though they were still rolling down my cheeks and kissed my baby's forehead.

Me: I am sorry I couldn't save you honey. I am gonna bring your brothers here okay??

I went out of the room to call Jin.

( The rest of what happened are at chapter tries and denial. I am a little lazy to write the rest 😅)

Authors POV

That day everyone were devastated. The boys, their uncle Lee and his wife. Everybody couldn't get Rania's death into their heads.

As soon as the boys left the hospital, Dr. Lee went inside his office,sat on his chair and finally let the tears he's been holding in run down his cheeks. He couldn't realize that his favorite and only niece has gone out to find her parents up in the sky. He couldn't get used to the idea that his princess is not going to burst into his office to bring him lunch. She isn't going to come and complain to him about how her brothers are scolding her with a pout. She isn't coming back to smile at him. She is gone....

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