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Dinner was dragging on slowly especially with Harry smirking at me the whole time making me cringe in my seat forcing me to readjust seating constantly.

The thought of getting back at him for making me so uncomfortable so effortlessly was talking over me.

"Could you pass the peas please, daddy?" I asked making direct eye contact at Harry knowing what the plan of events was going to be.

Harry reached for the bowl of peas right as my father did. perfect.

"Harry.." my father sounded stern and questioning.

"I-i just didn't k-low if your were going to pass them is all mr.Johnson...." he tried to cover up.

"I'm her daddy, I can give her the peas" my father sounded disgusted.

"It's ok James, Harold was just being a gentleman, no need to be angry" my mother smiled nervously, not looking up once from her plate once.

My father just rolled his big blue eyes not falling for any of that shït.

Harry just glared at me in anger as I dished out my peas and slowly ate them while smirking directly at him making his face heat up in defeat.

"Your father and I are going to a conference tonight and you'll be staying with mr.styles here this evening until we return, is that alright Darcy dear?" My sweet mothers voice cooed.

I just replied with a simple 'yes mother'.

Only if she knew what mr.styles wanted to do to me.


After that gruelling dinner, I said a farewell to my parents and skipped up the steps into the tiled Lou (a/n: bathroom if you live in America or whatever) reajusting my short black laced dress. I combed through my curled hair with my fingers and pinned down any loose hairs with some hair spray.

Two large muscular hands snaked around my waist making me gasp, giving me the biggest scare of my life.

"Did i scare you princess?" Ugh harry.

"Screw off" oops, did I say that out loud. shít.

"Excuse me?!" He practically roared making me jump.

"First you do the whole daddy shït and know this?!!" He yells.

"I-I'm sorry harry...."

"What. did. you. call. me.!"

"Sorry daddy...." I tried to keep myself together but I couldn't, I couldn't keep myself from crying. god.

"No crying. your in for a punishment baby girl" he growled in my ear and I could feel that prick smirking against my cheek. Making me realize how soaked my lace panties were.

I feel disgusting.

Wait a second. he doesn't fûcking own me. who does he think he is for gods sake.

"NO, stop. you don't FÛCKING own ME!" I yelled.

I felt a sharp pain hit my left cheek causing me to gasp as my vision started blurring as my eyes welled up with tears.

"MUM, DAD!" I hollered. I pain.

"There not fücking home you slut, I'm suppose to be caring for your every beck and call you bïtch!" Is he being serious right now. My heart ached at what had just been said to me.

I just bursted out in tears. what else was I suppose to do.

My cheek was burning and my mascara was running down my face.

But I didn't care.

"You now what harry. I actually started to like you and I doubt you like me back but that doesn't matter, and now you think you own me, you feel the need to punish me like I'm some type of dog, you hit me like the coward of a man you are and you make sure my parents are gone so you can do all this shìt!" I yelled at him as tears fell down my burning left cheek.

His eyes wide in shock. A wave of guilt showed on his defined face.

"And if anyone's the SLUUUUT here, it's fùcking YOU!" I spat.

He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"I bet you've Fücked 100,000 girls harry and I hope your fûcking proud of the sleaze of a man you are!" I yelled as rage filled my body.

All he did was smirk. that smirking bastard. What is wrong with him?!

"FÜCK. YOU." I hissed as my feet carried me to the front door and down the street. I stopped and took a breath of the chilly yet fresh air. what am I thinking?

My arms and legs were soon covered in goose bumps, I should've grabbed a hoodie. The hair at the back of my neck was standing up.

I started to cringe.

Someone was watching me.
Something was watching me.

I ran into the dark forested area behind the community houses knowing that Harry probably wasn't following me. he doesn't give a flying rats arse about me anyway.

I kept running and running until a stumbled on a fallen tree branch.

I suddenly fell onto the dampened grassy surface, dirt covering my legs.

A shot of pain ran through my aching body, I peered down noticing the red liquid streaming down my pale leg.

I found the source of the blood. it wasn't good. I had gashed my leg wide open on the fallen branch from before.

I tried to stand up, gain my balance and possibly keep running but I couldn't. I could t walk. every time I tried to gain balance standing up, my injured leg couldn't support my body weight. crap.

It hurt like a bïtch. maybe I should just try and crawl back (literally), maybe I should find a way to return to harry and clean myself up. But that's when it hit me, he's not even run-

I was cut off.

"BABY GIRL!" I hear a raspy voice call for me. Shït.

I was still laying on the dampened grass, my leg still searing with pain.

"Come out come out where ever you are."

Wait. that voice doesn't sound familiar.

My heart stopped. My mouth agape.

That isn't Harry.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter even though this wasn't as long as i wanted it to be but oh well. i hopefully will be updating soon.

i have 2 other stories i'm udating and still writing so if you could check those out that would be great.

i'm thinking about writing 1-2 other stories even though that's a lot of work lol.

i have one story i was working on called 'change your ticket', btw all of the books i'm writing latley are harry styles fanfics.

The other book i don't have a name for, its a book about a wealthy business man (Harry Styles) who hires teenage girls to be toys for his sexual pleasures. these girls come from not very wealthy families and they need the money for education or for their families.

if you have any ideas for the name of the story, the story line or any other details, dm me and let me know or just leave a comment. love you all xx

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