Some real creepy shit

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We all were piled in Sam's car, Me, Katrina, and Stas in the back piled in, Colby lounging in the passenger, and of course, Sam driving. Colby pulls out the camera and turns it on, "Y'all ready?" He asks, checking the lens. "Yeah, start 'er up." Sam says, getting ready to introduce everyone. 

"And, action." 

"We are pulling up, 500 feet away from Waverly Hills, How we feel guys?" Sam asks, looking back at the girls.

"Terrified" Stas blurts, looking down at the carpet floor. 

"Scared." Katrina agrees, while I stay quiet in the middle. 

"Actually?" Sam asks, a smile on his face. "Yeah, actually, I feel like imma throw up." Katrina admits, rubbing her fingers together. 

"How do you feel Vic?" Colby asks me, flipping the lens back towards me. 

"I feel fine actually, excited even." 

"Why?" Katrina and Stas both exclaim, looking at me with wide eyes. I chuckle and look straight ahead. 

"I have a feeling that we're gonna get some good content today, I know something big is going to happen tonight." 

"Shit." Katrina breaths out, putting her head against the window. We all laugh. 

"Also, if you guys do not know already, Victoria here is a hardcore Medium, even more so then Amanda, Vic do you mind explaining how you are so strong with spirits?" 

I kind of smile and remember the fake story we all created together, I can't say that I was a ghost, no one would believe that. 

"When I was a little girl, around six or seven years old, my grandma had passed away. I felt it before I knew, and I begged my parents to go over to her house because I knew something was wrong. So we all piled into the car and drove to her house, I walked in first, and I could immediately smell smoke, but nothing was burning or anything, I called my grandma's name, I saw her in her rocking chair, where she used to always sit, but she looked at me, smiled, and then walked into her room, I followed her into her, and that's where I saw her dead body in the bed, she died in her sleep the night before." 

"Dammmmmmmmn." Colby exclaims, looking towards Sam. 

"I get goosebumps every single time when she tells it bro." Sam says, looking towards the road. 

"And is that when you really started to notice you could see and hear things?" Stas asks, playing with her rings. 

"Thats when I noticed it yes, but I would say I've always had a connection to spirits across the veil." 

"There's a gate to this place?" Colby says, angling the camera forward. 

"This is like super high security." Sam says as we pass some guards and men guiding us where to go. 

"Damn this is way bigger than I thought it would be." Colby says, looking wistfully out the windshield. 

"Yeah, This is massive dude." 

"Holy Shit!" Colby yells as we get closer.

"Look at the Gargoyles! There's still windows and everything on this." 

"Yeah they got windows apparently and heating in some parts; and, we have this place for 12 hours too." 

"Waverly hills, We've been talking about this place for years." Sam says, a huge smile on his face. 

"Oh my god, thousands of people have died in this building...." Colby says, smirking, "and we're gonna be next." 

"Woah Woah." 

"No dude don't say that." Katrina says, getting creeped out while I just chuckle a little. 

We all get out of the car, and start walking up the gravel driveway, I look up to the balcony areas and see many people staring down at us, all ghosts and spirits, there was one dude with half of his body missing, just staring straight at me. 

"Lowkey this is more terrifying than the conjuring for like, different reasons." Stas says, looking beside her to me and Colby, Sam now holding the camera. 

We all get to the front of the building, where Sam sets up the tripod for the camera and instructs us to all get in a line, the "Professional Paranormal hunters" already here and waiting for us. "Hi, I'm Steve, and this is Dylan" Steve says, holding a hand out to me, I shake his and Dylan's, "I'm Victoria, but I go by Vic." 

"Before we have the camera filming, we have something to tell ya'll." Colby says, smiling at me with a sparkle in his eye. 

"Oh yeah? And what is that?" Steve says, putting his hands in his pocket. 

"Victoria is a hardcore medium. like no joke, she can see, feel, talk to every spirit imaginable." 

"That's really really cool. How did you know you had this gift?" Dylan asks.

I look at Sam and Colby, who nod, telling me to tell them the truth. 

"I used to be dead. I died in 1913 in Scotland, in Neildpath castle." 

"There's absolutely no way that is true." Steve says, looking at me with judging eyes. "No disrespect at all, but I don't believe enough in the paranormal to believe that." 

"No disrespect taken, allow me to prove myself." I say, stepping away from them, grabbing my knife from my pocket. 

"What are you doing?!" Dylan asks, his eyes wide open. I flick open my knife and cut my wrist, a thick and deep gash, blue blood mixed with red dripping out. "What the fuck?" they both scream. 

"Just watch." Colby says, looking at me in guidance. I smile, and mutter one phrase: "Life over Death." 

Everyone watches as my wrist immediately closes up, sewing itself back together in two seconds, my eyes flashing a bright bright red. 

"I figured out that any wound that could be a life or death wound, would heal instantly, so I can't die again apparently" I explain, looking at the hunters, my eyes going back to their blue.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you die?" Steve asks. 

"I cannot tell you yet, Sam and Colby don't even know, and they're the ones who brought me back to life." 

"Understandable, I'm kind of freaking out right now though, just saying." Dylan tells me, looking at my wrist again. 

"That is understandable." 

"Now, should we get on to filming?" Sam asks, clapping his hands.

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