Hot Dropin'

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   Revenant stared as the man dropped to the ground, slowly fading into a death box. His arm holding the wingman slowly went to his side, where he dropped it. No ammo left in his reserves, nor the gun itself. What was that. Five, Six?- He didn't get a chance to look at the real number..
    "F-Friend, I am down!"
    He let out a long, artificial sigh. He would be frowning if he could. He'd almost forgotten about his imbicile of a partner, who was still slightly quivering in the corner. The simulacrum reluctantly got to a crouch, taking out the emergency syringe all combatants got, and shoving it violently into the mechanical port on the MRVN's chest. He'd barely pulled him to his feet when the robot suddenly threw his arms around him in a delighted way, jumping up and down.
      "Thank you, Revenant! You saved my life! How could I-" The gleeful robo was rudely interrupted by a blow to his chest, causing him to recoil from shock, putting his hand on his screen. I-It was cracked-
      "Don't. Touch. Me." The taller robot stared down the poor Pathfinder, who looked confused, the only hint of fear was the way his legs slightly trembled, but that could have been from the very low hit point state he was in.
      "Sorry, friend! I didn't mean to startle you!" The robot said, meeting the hard glare of the wicked yellow eyes calmly with his own lense. He didn't... seen.... afraid, really. Whether it be in retaliation, or the lack of brain cells to fear for his own wellbeing. Revenant grumbled, turning away and stalking over to one of the death boxes, attracted by the golden aura around one in particular. He attached the tier four heavy mag to the flatline he pulled out of the same box, also giving it the 2x Hcog out of the box right next to it. Now all he needed was-
    "Shotgun bolt here! Level three!"
    "It's mine-" He whipped around, ready to rush for it, knowing the MRVN also had a- Huh? Pathfinder was holding it out to him, his own shotgun in hand. It seemed like he took it out of his Eva. "Indeed, friend! It looks like you need it!" Despite the crack, his screen still displayed a happy smile.
      The simulacrum stared for a second, looking back at the MRVN, staring into his lense. He snatched it in the blink of an eye, attatching it to his mastiff without looking away. This bot really had no sense of self preservation, huh? It was a miracle he survived in the games this long.
      He didn't bother thanking him, turning and immediately walking out one of the doors, hearing the metal rotational sounds of his squadmate follow soon after.
      It was just reaching noon, the game had been going for half an hour now. There were five squads left.
     The final circles seemed to be around market. That meant a team or two might get caught in the rocky passageways trying to rotate. It'd be a smart idea for them to see if they could wait it out. His happy-go-lucky teammate could probably hit that survey beacon to-
      "For you, friend!"
       Revenant whipped around, what did he want now. The MRVN was holding out a level two stock. He interrupted his planning. Just to offer slightly, slightly easier reloading? His train of thought was gone now. He growled. Stalking towards Path with extended claws, until he was glaring down at him, their faces inches apart.
       "I'm not your friend, tin can. So why don't you shut up, and focus for more then five minutes, before I shove this up your ass." He said, slowly scratching along his clawed hand while he spoke.
        Pathfinder's screen flicked to a question mark. Tilting his head. He looked down behind him, then back up at Revenant.
        "Ass? If you mean anus, friend, I am sorry to disappoint you, but-"
       Revenant hit him across the face, an exclamation point flashing across his already cracked screen before he fell to his side. Path pulled himself to sitting, putting his hand on the side of his face.
        Revenant's voice box relayed artificial breathing, his eyes glowing bright yellow. Pure rage rattling his system.
         "You little-"
         Once again the simulacrum was interrupted. The signature sound of the .50 caliber sniper rang out as a bullet whizzed past his head and hit Pathfinder in the chest, breaking his body armor and hitting him in the stomach. The MRVN was sent back a bit, recoilling in shock, he struggled to get to his feet quick enough. Revenant growled, glancing behind him before grabbing Pathfinder and shoving him harshly into the cover of one of the buildings just outside Market, slamming the door behind him, holding it closed as he peered out of it to try and locate their attacker.
       Path was already using his Phoenix Kit, figuring it wasn't worth the faster meds he had, assuming they had the time to waste, that is. His level 4 shields just finished healing when Revenant pinged the last location he saw their atattacker, it showed up on their maps, somewhere on top of Market's main building. That's when they heard gunfire, and a response of bullets not even a second later. The team was flanked by a third party. The activity feed went off a few seconds later as he heard a kraber shot.
     If he could just get his hands on it..
     Pathfinder finished his healing a few seconds ago, picking up his carbine and hopping to his feet just as the kill sounds went off.
     That caused the simulacrum to growl. He put his hands together and summoned his totem in the corner, immediately entering the shadows and bursting out the door to capitalize on the enemy. Path scrambled to follow, touching the totem and stumbling out the door as the cold feeling of the shadows enveloped his metal frame. He shot a zip line to the roof, thinking it'd help his teammate, but he was already rushing, climbing the side of the building.
      Revenant immediately started firing his flat line into the form hunched over a death box. They fell back, but weren't incapacitated yet. Just as the simulacrum pulled out his Mastiff to finish them off, they suddenly disappeared, replaced by a bright flash  of light that left behind a trail of purplish energy, zipping away into the Market building from the opening in the roof.
      "Wraith..." Revenant mumbled, if he could grin, he would. Oh how he was going to enjoy watching her squirm. He bolted towards where she went with as the last seconds of his totem time removed his death protection, dropping down. However, his recklessness was punished by Wraith's teammate, who beamed him in the back before he got to see who it was, ending up with him on his knees, they emptied an entire R-99 clip. He looked up to see Loba, she laughed, stabbing her staff into the ground like she always did to finish.
       "Sorry, not sorry, Demonió," She laughed. Before she could pull off her finisher, however, several Eva shots in rapid succession had her doubling over next to Rev. She glared at Revenant, the two both incapacitated. There was gunfire and movement all around them, but they weren't in a position to see.
       "Nngh- I should have thirsted you when I had the chance! Demon!" She spat at him.
        He grinned a bit as he heard Wraith's shield crack.
       "You should've." He agreed, as the kill sound went off, and Loba was soon just a death box.
       "That's a whole squad down, friends!" Path said over comms, his shield was broken when he zipped down to Revenant, rushing over as he started the revival process.
       "Did you see that? I did all sorts of amazing moves! I-" -Revenant immediately stalked over to one of the death boxes.
      "Are you listening?" Path tilted his head, his screen displaying a question mark. Revenant walked to the Wraith and took her Tier 5 body shield, and her Kraber.
       "Shut up! You took my kills." Revenant said with a growl, glaring at him. Or, just staring with bright yellow eyes. Path looked at the death boxes. He wasn't a complete idiot.
      "Well, you almost died, friend Revenant! I didn't want that to happen, so I rushed in when they weren't looking!" Path said, his screen displaying a happy face, he was bouncing a bit, seeming overjoyed he saved Rev.
       "Don't think that counts as repayment or whatever. It was just a squad. Anyone could've done it." he said plainly. He got a twinge of satisfaction from seeing Path's happiness blink out. It wasn't as big as others though. He didn't bother to wonder why. Probably just because he was a robot. Or something.
       "That means I must repay you in another way!" He perked up again, and Rev sighed. He didn't realize he'd invited the robot to continue trying to repay him. Even if he wouldn't have been permanently dead, it still counts! In his eyes.
        There was still one squad left. Before either of them could suggest anything however, the sound of a jump pad went off as octane flew through the hope in the roof, speeding towards them with a mastiff.
        "WOOO YEHEAAAA-"
        Rev shot him down with a Kraber and he tumbled past them. Path jumped up and ran over to him, kneeling next to him. The Daredevil chuckled and waved his arm in the air.
        "Worth a shot- amigo" He coughed a bit, struggling to his knees, he put up his golden knock down shield, just for a sec to show them.
        "Aye, I was solo. Go 'head" Octane said, sitting back against the wall and giving a thumbs up. "Epic fail, still epic!"
        Path flashed a sad smile, looking at Revenant.
       "Friend, why don't we-" The Forward Scout was interrupted by another Kraber shot in Octane's shoulder, either killing him or severely incipacitating him. Path jumped back in surprise as they were declared champions, he looked at Revenant with a sad face, then back to Octane, but he was already a death box. He only had a blue shield... he really was solo...
       "What, be was our enemy. Don't look at me like that, tin can." Revenant scoffed, throwing the Kraber aside. He couldn't explain the twinge of guilt, but he brushed it away. 

        After the day's games, everyone hung out at Mirage's Voy'age to celebrate. Mirage raised a glass along with all of his like-faced holos.
       "A toast, to Path's victory!" Everyone raised a glass to that, a cheer escaping their lips. While most of the legends watched Octane spin on his head ona  barstool, Loba slid into the seat beside the forward scout, who seemed to be a bit down.
     "That was a nice save you got on me and Wraith back there, really put on a show, sweat heart. I never would've seen it coming. I do wish I would've gotten that wretched beast though. Really is a shame." She trailed off when she noticed the MRVN was barely paying attention if at all, staring at the counter. "What's wrong, love. You won the games, shouldn't you be happy? Why, it seems like you're always a chipper bot any other time, even in combat!"
      "Revenant saved my life, and I still owe him. He said I'll have to do more then save him to repay him." Pathfinder said, still staring at the counter. The thief frowned, looking around a bit.
       "Y'know, he wouldn't do the same for you. Hell, the Demon didn't even show up to his own victory party. I say, you just forget it, love. Come have fun with your friends." She put a hand on his metallic shoulder and gave him a grin before going over to join the other legends. Leaving Pathfinder to think. And think.... and think.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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