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╔═══════════════╗「 chapter | fourteen 」   ❛❛ alcohol & acceptance ❞  ╚═══════════════╝

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chapter | fourteen
   ❛❛ alcohol & acceptance

ONE OF RIVYN'S FRIENDS decided to call me 2:00 in the morning telling me he's at a bar, drunk off his ass and he won't leave.

This leads me to now, dragging my soon to be eighteen year old baby brother out of a bar that reeks of sex and old beer. Tears fight to leave my eyes but I suck them back in. This is not the time. Where did I go wrong with him? I swallow thickly, willing myself not to cry out in the open. Because I am not a pretty crier.

I open the car door, laying him down in the backseat even though he's nearly double my weight. Those days in the gym really paid off.

As I sit in the drivers seat, not yet starting the car, I stare at Vin's drunken form through the rear view mirror. He's not even old enough to drink yet. How the hell is he getting away with this stuff? Some fucking friends of his. Some part of me fears for the fact that he's leaving for college soon and I won't be there to watch him, but another part of me is happy he'll finally be getting on with his life.

I should probably call mom and dad, but I won't. I won't sell him out, just for him to get a lecture he won't even listen to. Maybe an Alaskan boarding school doesn't sound so bad.

All of the times he's had my back over the years, covering for me. I'll just bring him back to my place and scold him when he wakes up.

I drive home silently as Tame Impala flows through the radio, guiding me home.

Once we get there, I practically drag him out the car as he snores soundly. "Okay," I huff out as we finally make it into the house and inside the guest bedroom. I take off his shoes, leaving him in his socks and I exit the room, just to come back with a glass of water and some pain killers for the headache he'll be sporting later on. It serves him right.

Making my way up to my room, I take a quick shower, getting dressed in fluffy pajamas. I lean my back against the headboard, breathing deeply. My lower lip wobbles as tears start to form in my eyes. Sighing in frustration, I shut off my lamp, lulling myself to sleep as tears blur my vision.

 Sighing in frustration, I shut off my lamp, lulling myself to sleep as tears blur my vision

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