🍋Drunken Love🍋

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  A/N: Hello readers that decided to read this. In this one-shot, it is a Masky x Hoodie. There is Alcohol mentioned in the story but not too much. And this is a smut one-shot, there will be a warning before the smut happens so be prepared. ALSO!  If you don't like this ship then you can skip this chapter! Okay okay, we'll let you read the one-shot and stop annoying ya. Bye! And enjoy!

                     ~Narrator's POV~

   It was a beautiful autumn day, the birds were singing, the flowers were blooming, and it was all around just a lovely day, a day that no sane person would waste by being inside, but that's irrelevant. Hoodie was currently sitting on the couch while watching Toby, BEN, and Jeff play Mario kart. Masky sitting at the coffee table ignoring everything and everyone as he finished up his incredibly late report for Mr. stick in the mud or slender man if you prefer.

                       ~Hoodie's POV~

     I was barely paying attention to what was going on around me, all I was aware of was Jeff yelling obscenities at no one in particular and the occasional sound of yelling coming from Dr. Smily's room despite the fact that he swore up and down that his room was soundproof. "BEN IF YOU THROW ME INTO THE VOID ONE MORE DAMN TIME I FUCKING SWEAR-" I looked over at the TV just as BEN proceeded to throw jeff into the void yet again which fallowed by Jeff hitting BEN's controller out of his hand and him calling BEN a, and I quote, "short piece of shit". 

      I heard Masky sigh as Toby victoriously yelled "Y-yes! I fi-finally won!" before he asked the dumbass trio to be quiet since he was trying to work, I guess they just didn't hear him or didn't care because at that moment BEN decided to tackle toby and try to strangle him, "Jesus fucking christ" I mumble to myself as I stand up before yelling at BEN to get off of toby. Jeff groans as he wrapped his arms around BEN's chest in an effort to pry him off, telling him to chill out. I watch as Masky stood up and walked over to them "Let go of him" He said to jeff with his arms crossed, we may not have been able to see his expression but I realized by his voice that he was pissed. Jeff obliges and lets go of ben, taking a step back with his hands raised. Masky looks down at ben and Toby before kicking ben square in the chest causing ben to double over off of toby in pain "Will you morons stop fighting? I'm TRYING to work" 

     I shake my head and sigh as Jeff snickers at BEN's unfortune "Maybe kicking him was a bit unnecessary?" Masky just shrugs at Jeff's comment and walks back over to the coffee table, collecting his papers before looking over at me "I'm going to my room, you wanna join?" I just shrug, "Sure." He begins walking upstairs calling for me to hurry up not even a minute later, like.. give me a second dude. I climb over the couch and run over to him "Don't rush me!" Masky huffed. "Don't take so long and I won't rush you dumbass.." he says once I reach him "Fuck off, you take longer than me sometimes!" And with that, we soon started to bicker with each other... "Yeah, rarely! You take like an hour to do anything, even brushing your damn teeth!" He exaggerated.

    I thought for a second, "Well, toby takes longer than me so shut up!" And of course, he had a comeback comment... "Toby's also like, what? 18? He's barely an adult and he's also fairly new." I groan internally, he never lets me win! We continued bickering as we continued walking to Masky's room. Once we arrived masky held the door open for me. "Lady's first~" He comments while doing so, I rolled my eyes. "Oh, whatever." I walked in and plopped down on Masky's bed, face first might I add, before rolling over and looking at him. Masky just walked in after me and sat down at his desk to continue working after taking his mask off and setting it on his dresser. I had noticed that he locked the door after himself but decided not to worry about it, it probably wasn't that big of a deal.

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