001. Death Creek Cover tutorial

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Dedicated to everghosts
here's the tutorial <3

websites used : photopea && canva

001 . . . first i get my poster.
( https://pin.it/pehy4HC )

002 . . . second i create a background similar to the background on said poster.
( https://pin.it/ppqv5Za )

003 . . . so once you get your background you head to canva.

 so once you get your background you head to canva

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004 . . . you then choose the book cover template, ( a blank one ) and upload the background.

005 . . . next you stretch it to fit within the template's canvas.

 next you stretch it to fit within the template's canvas

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006 . . . then you download that as a png and then after that you now move on to photopea.

 then you download that as a png and then after that you now move on to photopea

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007 . . . after you've uploaded your background && poster in photopea, choose and upload any desired picture you'd want on your cover.

008 . . . you'd now duplicate the layer of your photo onto the poster, and enable transform controls to stretch your photo to the same length and width of the one on the poster.

 you'd now duplicate the layer of your photo onto the poster, and enable transform controls to stretch your photo to the same length and width of the one on the poster

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009 . . . once you've done that, now you'd duplicate it onto your background.

010. . . then you would put in information about the book, this was the format i used for example :

i. Title
ii. who the cover was made by
iii. Date it was made
iv. who the book was made by
v. quote


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011 . . . well this part, it depends if you want to do it or not. but you would use a movie credits ( is that what you call it ?? ) png ( I'll put it down  below ) and blend it to difference.

you can position it anyhow you choose or what you feel is best, but i positioned it on the bottom right.

( https://pin.it/3BbLNJL )

it/3BbLNJL )

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012 . . . this isn't a step but i thought i'd put this since it might be important.

Name of font : im fell dw

Size of Letters :

Title — 99 &&
the binder that seperates the information

other info — 59

013 . . . to get the border you'd go to ( https://www9.lunapic.com )

and select the border tool, you then can choose how thick you want your border to be ( for mine i use 20 )

And thats basically it, if you have any problems please do tell me and I'll try to explain it clearer if i can ! 😊



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