The Other Side of this Life: Part 1 (2)

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Addison and Naomi are walking through the practice and Addison states "So, uh, other than project baby, this is strictly a vacation. I am here to read trashy novels and go to the beach."

Naomi laughs and says "Okay, nobody over 30 goes to the beach. You should stay here at the practice, hang out, see how we work".

Addison chuckles. Naomi adds to her previous statement by saying "It's more fun than a stuffy hospital. And we have an empty office". Naomi says the last part in a sing song voice to make the office offer sound very appealing.

"Nai, are you trying to lure me?" Addison asks very suspiciously.

"Look, maybe. We do have sunshine and cute boys" Naomi says.

"Yeah, speaking of which, cute boy behind the desk is tracking you with his eyes" Addison tells Naomi as she watches the boy Violet called Dell.

"No, He's not".

As Naomi and Addison are debating if Dell is watching Naomi's every step, Aubrey comes into their view.

"Oh, Aubrey...helloooo...can you come here for a second" Addison says in a childish voice.

Aubrey begins to walk over and you can hear the click of her high heel boots. Slightly confused when she reaches the women, she says "Whats up?"

Addison looks Aubrey in the eye and asks "You're friends with Dell right?"

"Um...yeah" Aubrey says questionably while glancing back and forth between Addison and Naomi.

Addison leans towards Aubrey as if she's about to tell her a secret and whispers "Dell has a thing for Naomi right?"

Aubrey laughs and says "Oh 100%... He makes it so obvious I think even the patients know".

Addison sighs very contently with herself. "Thank you" she said as they walk off walk leaving Aubrey alone in place.

"Oh, cute boy wants Naomi" Addison says laughing.

"Okay, maybe you should shut up and go get some coffee or something..." Naomi says as Addison growls imitating a tiger or a dog.

Naomi pushes Addison away and then walks over to the front desk where Dell is resting his head on his hands watching Naomi.

"You have to stop that" Naomi says to Dell.

"Stop what?" Dell asks even though he knows what she means.

"You cannot watch me like that. It's... not something you can do. I won't allow it".

Dell begins to smirk. "You can't make rules about my eyes" he says. 

A man screaming "That's enough!" catches Naomi's attention.

"Did you hear that" she says as she quickly walks over to where the yelling is.

Aubrey walks over to where Dell is watching Naomi and puts her lips near his ear and says "Busted!" over his shoulder. This causes Dell to jump in his seat and glare at her. Aubrey forms a kissy face with her lips and kisses the air in a mocking manner twice.

Dell and Aubrey then hear glass shatter and run over to where all the noise is coming from. They reach the door where the rest of the doctors are just in time to see Cooper get punched in the face.


"Okay, let me see if i can explain this to everyone" Naomi says as everyone in the practice minus Dell is in the room with the five people who resulted in Cooper being punched in the face.

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