Chapter 1-In a Twisted Turn of Events

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(This is kinda a Kazuscara and Kazugorou fanfic, with a custom character who isn't in genshin hehe)

     Kazuha was roaming around Watatsumi Island in Inazuma when he saw his best friend Gorou, and his other friend Scaramouche. They were arguing, again. Kazuha never knew what they were arguing about since neither would say what they were arguing about. This made Kazuha a little bit suspicious and upset, but it's whatever.

Kazuha- Hey guys! What're you doing? Stop arguing for crying out loud!

Gorou- Oh- Kazuha

Scaramouche- Kazuha! I was only-

*Kazuha cuts Scaramouche off*

Kazuha- It's whatever, just stop arguing all the time, one day this is going to turn into a full-on fight with physical contact, and I don't want that!

Gorou- Alright, if it means that much to you. Then I will do anything for you!!

*Scaramouche glares at Gorou*

Scaramouche *muttering*- Same... I guess.

Kazuha- Thank you, both of you. Anyways I promised Beidou I would help her on the Crux Fleet today. I'll see you later. Please don't be fighting when I get back. Alright?

Gorou- Of course! Anything for you Kazuha, I won't fight with him.

*Gorou gives a side-glance to Scaramouche which Scaramouche returns*

Scaramouche *a little bit angry*- Yeah same.

*Kazuha gives them both a skeptical glance*

Kazuha- Okay... Thank you both again, goodbye!

*Kazuha waves bye which both Scaramouche and Gorou wave back too*

Scaramouche *yelling a bit*- Why are you such a suck-up Gorou! He's mine for crying out loud, back off!

*Gorou looks at him and smirks*

Gorou- No thanks, I won't "back off" I love him, and I swear he loves me back. Also stop yelling, Kazuha is going to think we're fighting again. And we promised him we wouldn't fight. If you love him so much, then shut up.

*Scaramouche gives Gorou an angry look and walks off*

Scaramouche *thoughts*- Ugh! Why is that dumb dog so annoying, his annoying little smirk... his little ears always twitching at the sight off Kazuha.

*Scaramouche blushed a little*

Scaramouche*whisper shouting*- UGH! Why am I thinking like this? We are supposed to hate each other. I need to stop and think for a second. How do I get Kazuha and try to keep that annoying dog away from him? But I mean... is he really that annoying.

Gorou *thoughts*- I watched as Scaramouche walked away. I was left alone now, with my own thoughts. I was happy- or was I? To be honest, even if we are arguing, or giving each other glares, I enjoyed Scaramouche's company... Wait, why am I thinking this? No, I can't enjoy it, he likes Kazuha but so do I! I need to win Kazuha over, not him. But how...? I mean do I really want Kazuha that much that I'm willing to never have a relationship with Scaramouche?

-Cut to Kazuha-

Beidou- Finally you're here Kazuha, meet my friend Arden.

Kazuha looked at Arden, Arden was a girl, a geo sword wielder with black hair. She looked kind to say the least.

Arden- Hello! As Beidou said, I'm Arden. I assume your name is Kazuha.

*Kazuha looks at her*

Kazuha- Yes, I am Kazuha. It's nice to meet you, Arden.

Arden- Nice to meet you too!

Beidou- Okay, introductions over. Kazuha, Arden is our new crewmate. Please show her around the ship and clean the rooms and arrange hers. She will be in the room next to yours. After that please show her around Watatsumi Island.

*Kazuha nodded his head, then him and Arden walk off*

Kazuha- And that's the end of the tour. Let's go arrange your room, then I will begin cleaning the others. Please follow me, Arden.

Arden- Okay!

*They finish arranging Arden's room*

Kazuha- I'm going to go clean the other rooms now. See you later Arden!

*Kazuha leaving room*

Arden- Wait! I have no idea what to do, can I please help you clean?

*Kazuha looks back at her*

Kazuha- I mean I never cleaned with anyone else before, it sounds fun, as long as you're up for it. Then okay you can. If you ever get tired or wanna leave, then you don't have to tell me. You can just go.

-Cut to Scaramouche -

Scaramouche- Oh god...

Scaramouche *thoughts*- I heard a noise, and just as I turned the corner, boom! I was right it was just dumb general Gorou. Great bumping into him again. Although I noticed something. He was fighting. I decided to see how well this loser could fight so I hid and watched.

*After Gorou finished fighting*

Scaramouche *walks out of hiding place clapping*- Wow, good job. Great fight I must say. Surprised me that someone like you could actually fight.

*Gorou jumps a bit*

Gorou- Oh god! You scared me! Don't just walk out like that. And what's that supposed to mean?! Of course, I can fight well.

Scaramouche- Well I was just saying, for a dog you don't seem that bad of a fighter.

*Scaramouche giggled*

Scaramouche- Take it as a compliment why don't yah?

Gorou *yelling a bit*- Can't really tell if that's a compliment or not!

Scaramouche- Ah, ah, ah! No yelling, as you said earlier Kazuha doesn't want us to argue. Isn't that correct?

Gorou *whispering*- Yeah... I guess.

Gorou *thoughts*- I hate Scaramouche so much.

Scaramouche *thoughts*- How can I make Gorou try giving up on Kazuha. I want Kazuha so bad, and this dog is just making things so hard.

Gorou- I- I gotta go. I hope I don't see you later. Bye.

*Gorou runs off*

Scaramouche *thoughts*- God, he didn't even give a chance to think.

*Scaramouche looks up*

Scaramouche- It's getting dark. I'm just gonna head home, guess we'll solve this conflict some other day.


             End of chapter one. did you like it?

Chapter two coming soon :)))
Also, like 965-words hehe

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