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(Above: inspiration photo created on Artbreeder)

"Neridia" (nur-ih-dee-uh) is composed of three planets; the Overworld, the Centerworld, and the Underworld. These three planets are a part of Orion's Belt, a young cosmic trail in the galaxy. The three worlds are connected by portals, which are normally protected by each world's kingdom knights to avoid an influx of beings into a certain world. Some of these portals have yet to be found by the kingdoms, so they are often subject to gatekeeping by common folk who found them instead.

Neridia is overseen by The Creator. The Creator brought every living being onto Neridian soil, and most notably created the first humans. The Creator also chose certain beings amongst their creations to become Gods and Goddesses who could further rule the three worlds.

Neridia began in year 0 as a string of three planets. The top planet, the Overworld, was warm and quick to sprout life and was already actively growing towards the end of year 100. The middle world, the Centerworld, was a bit slower to create life, as the first signs came around year 600. The final world to create life was the lowest world, or the Underworld. No life began there until around the year 1000.

The first beings to inhabit Neridia were the Fungotts; small creatures resembling mushrooms that lived along the riverbeds and moist areas. Their existence was widespread until the year 1200 when The Creator sent the first humans down onto the Centerworld. They are known as the Woodland people, and they are the oldest civilization known in Neridia's history.

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