Secret Base

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y/n - your name
f/f - favorite food
c/n - cat (or pet) name
(Setting: Modern UA but still Teyvat)

You embark on your journey to go visit Kazuha and Scaramouche at the local restaurant all three of you loved. As you made your way to the restaurant you casted your gaze at the corner of the street to see a familiar tiny figure.

"Kazuha's cat! What are you doing here little one?"

You gently petted the fluffy kitten on it's white chin as it purred soothingly in response.

"Well, lucky for you little kitty~ I was just on my way to meet Kazuha anyways."

The cat meowed as you gently picked it up. With great care, you and the cat finally made it to the restaurant's entrance.

"Y/n, you're late"

You turned around to see Kazuha right behind you, which scared you a little. Scaramouche appeared right besides Kazuha as he teasingly giggled at y/n.

"My my, whatever have you've been up to y/n, it's been an hour pass the time we usually agree upon... You didn't actually get a life besides constantly binging that one game you always play, did you?"

Kazuha then takes a slient step in front of you and Scaramouche. With Kazuha's back facing your face, you couldn't tell what he did to Scaramouche to make him leave you alone. Scaramouche then snickers.

"You should see that face of yours! I'll leave it to you then my dear friend Kazuha."

Scaramouche takes his abrupt leave, leaving just you and Kazuha in the restaurant. Kazuha then places his hand on top of yours.

"I apologize for his rude behavior, y/n. If you ever need to-"

Kazuha lowered his gaze to the floor where he saw his mischievous cat.

"You found c/n... you're the best y/n, thank you so much."

You could of swore that Kazuha lowkey started to tear up, but pretended not to notice. You then waited a brief five seconds to suggest an idea.

"Since I found your cat, how about you make it up to me by showing me something cool."

It seemed Kazuha had no idea about your sense of "cool" as he grabbed your hand and lead you out of the restaurant. The kitten followed, eventually even using a nearby pole to bounce on your shoulder. It was nearing evening when you and Kazuha reached to Chinju forest. The lumincent flowers started to glow at such time, more brighter by each passing minute.

"We're here, y/n."

Just as Kazuha said these words, the sky gave into a drizzle.

"Uhmm, Kazuha I think we need to find shelter so we're not drenching when we get back-"

Kazuha agrees while still firmly grasping your hand. He leads you to a nearby cavern, in which the two of you reside in for the time being.

"Sooo, Kazuha, what is it that you wanted to show me again?"

Kazuha responded down-heartingly.

"The time is not right yet..."

Kazuha then starts a fire with the sticks laying around in the cave. You contributed to starting the fire by gathering around some flint you just happened to have along with you. The rain gives in to a heavy downpour as the two of you holded each other's hand by the fireplace. A wave of sleepiness hits you as you starts to snooze away on Kazuha's shoulder.

"How cute, just like a baby kitten..."

Kazuha didn't realize you were still semi awake and you blushed at his statement. However, you pretended to still be asleep to see if he would say something else.

"Sleep tight my love."

Kazuha then kisses your head and stares into the rain pounding outside. You turned as red as a tomato and tried really hard to not make any noise. You could feel your heart skip a beat, and when Kazuha started the gently stroke your head it did not help at all.

"Y/n's hair is as soft as c/n fluffy coat..."

Kazuha let out a sigh of relief as he slowly feel asleep on your shoulder. You felt so calm and reassured, yet didn't know how to respond to Kazuha's feelings when he didn't directly say them to you. However, you are quick to let go of these worries as you let tiredness take over you.

The rain has come to an end and you bopped Kazuha's nose in a playful manner for him to wake up. Kazuha let out a grumble.

"One more minute y/n~"

Kazuha doesn't wake up despite saying he would, You think this is a beautiful time for vengeance as you gave into your sudden impulse. Y/n kissed Kazuha. The half asleep Kazuha eye's widened in shock at y/n's sudden actions, while blushing a soft rosy hue on his cheeks.

"Ah- you must of been awake after all. Well, this makes everything a lot easier. I love you y/n. I love you so much- please stay with me and don't ever leave me behind."

And with these words, you simply nodded and happily took Kazuha's hand while smiling with your eyes closed. Kazuha also thinks this is the perfect time to sneak a flower he picked for you in your hair.

"For me? Thank you darling~"

Kazuha smiled and then started to stand. While doing so he also reached out his hand towards you.

"How'd you like my secret base?"

Secret Base (genshin impact kazuha oneshot) Where stories live. Discover now