Christmas eve

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Today was Christmas Eve Christmas eve came fast no one was prepared for anything but it was alright at least all of the 5 boys were together thats all that made them happy.


George and Karl were baking while the 3 others were rapping presents and decorating the tree.

"Karl,it's gonna burn you,you idiot"George said as he was dying of laughter while karl tried putting a little fire that was burning a marshmallow

Karl was also laughing really hard "I-"karl couldn't even finish his sentence because of how hard they were both laughing as then Karl put the fire out but it was all burned by then which was somehow funny

"YOU TWO SHUT THE HELL UP"quackity said from the living room

But that just made them laugh more

"I can't-"george said practically falling on the counter and laughing

And quackity kept yelling at them which made them laugh even more and then George's nose fell into marshmallow fluff now karl and George were actually dying of laughter and falling on each other  and then trying to get off of the floor but couldn't

They didn't even know why they were laughing they just were.

Then the 3 other boys walked in on them

George was trying to get up but kept falling and Karl was just on the floor covering his face because he was laughing to hard

"What the are hell y'all doing"sapnap said taking a candy that was on the counter

After a couple of seconds they calmed down but there was still little giggles escaping their mouths

"Why were y'all laughing so hard"dream said chuckling and pulled George closer and look the marshmallow fluff off his nose

"I don't even know"karl said also chuckling then picking up the burnt marshmallows and threw it at quackity

"OI WHY TF DID YOU DO THAT YOU BITCH"Quackity said flipping off karl

The others laughed at them

Then George went to the oven to get the cookies

He put them on the counter to cool down

"Can we ordered pizza?"The Texan said

"I don't see why not"dream said picking up his phone and ordering pizza

"Quackity pass me the frosting"george said getting the other ingredients

"Okayyy"quackity said rolling his eyes and passed over the frosting to George

"Thank you"george said with a smile

Dream looked over at them and got a little jelly😧

Dream finished ordering the pizza and walked over to the others

George handed Dream a chocolate covered pretzel and smiled dream smiled back and ate the pretzel

"Come on guys let's go finish the tree before the pizza comes"sapnap said walking to the living room.

"Okay"dream and quackity said following sapnap

After a few minutes the pizza guy came

"GEORGE GET THE PIZZA"quackity said

"OKAY"george said getting the money and opening the door

"Hello 3 pepperoni pizza?"

"Yes,how much is it"

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