Hypnosis | BTS & Seventeen

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Long short story

Yoongi, enters the kitchen: Good morning my Hobi Wobi!! *giggles and clings onto Hoseok*

Hoseok, shock+confuse: W-Wha—

Hansol, enters: Oh hi hyung! I see Chan successfully did it *chuckles*

Hoseok: Huh??

Yoongi, still on Hoseok: Hobiiii, gib mwe atwention *huffs cutely*

Jungkook, enters: Yoongi hyung!!! *squeals*

Yoongi: *squeals back* 'ookie!!! *jumps into Jungkook*

Jungkook & Hansol: *nods at each other*

Hansol: Follow me hyung

The two walked out of the kitchen.

Hoseok: Hansol, what the fudge is going on?

Hansol, sighs: Chan learned hypnosis and did it on Jihoon hyung and Yoongi hyung

Hoseok: *glances at the living room where Jihoon is acting cute in front of Soonyoung, then glances at Yoongi who's acting like a 5 year old* Call Jin hyung, now


Chan, gulps: Hyung, you know I did it for fun. I would return them back to normal later, I swear. Besides, I—"

Jin: Teach me

Chan, wide eyes: H-Huh??

Jin: *slams his fists on the table* Teach me how you do it.......NOW

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