Chapter 2

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This is gonna be a long chapter but don't expect these often for my sake, lmao have fun reading <3

      (Still kaeyas pov)
            We successfully completed the mission and as a reward of our hard work we got three days off of work. I decided to relax those three days.
                               Day 1
             This day I had to look over Klee with albedo since Jean worries Klee will stress him on his days of relaxation so I offered in. Albedo and Klee planned on being outside all day since the weather was beautiful today. I agreed and Im heading out now.
               "Good morning Klee and albedo." I said walking over to them.
               "Good morning kaeya." Albedo responded. Klee was busy bent over the pond behind albedo looking for fish. But instead of bombs she carried a little fishnet.
              "No fish blasting today?" I asked Klee bending down next to her.
              "Nope!" Klee said "I'm gonna catch fish today! Albedo said he wanted to treat you for helping him out!"
              I looked at albedo, Albedo really is an incredible person he's perfect even when no one cares to listen or watch. "I would be happy to try your cooking."
               "I hoped so." He responded slightly avoiding my eyes.
               "FISH!" Klee said loudly in joy, it was clear she was waiting awhile for a fish to pass. But her yell scared the fish before she had a chance to catch it. I laughed while she pouted.
                "You have to be gentle and soft or the fish will be scared Klee." I said, "And dont sway the fishing net around or it'll cause ripples and frighten the fish."
                  "You seem to know a lot on that topic." Albedo said
                   I nodded "diluc fished with me a few times." I turned away sharply from albedo after that.
                   Klee started humming a song while she waited, she seemed happy to have company even if it wasn't about blowing something up. I smiled knowing Klee is happy by our company. Albedo walked over and sat down next to me staring at the water. He also seemed at peace. And I relaxed a bit.
                  -a bit of a time skip-
(Albedos point of view)
         Klee captured a black bass for me to cook. I stood up and moved around kaeya to the other side of Klee to grab the net. I picked it up.
          "Shall we find a fire to cook this?" I asked. Klee nodded her head.
          And kaeya responded, "I think I saw one around this trail." Then he began to lead the three of us through a forest part of the land. It was astonishing, something seemed much more prettier with them.
          I took the fishing net over to a side table next to the fire. Someone had cooked here before. I placed the net down and took all the rocks out the net so only the fish was left. I gave it one last breath before skinning it. Meanwhile kaeya and Klee where wandering around looking for kindle and logs.
           Eventually it was time to eat. We gathered around and gave my cooking a taste. I looked to see if kaeya was pleased with the results, and saw he was already half way done. He caught me looking at him.
            "It's really good albedo, I wish I could live with you to eat all kinds of this cooking!" He said between mouth fulls. Live together? I thought to myself and little flustered. Isn't that what couples do? I shook my head and turned to see what Klee had to say, but she was finished and nodding off happily.
             "Let's head back to mondstat to get some sleep, I'll carry Klee back to my house." I said "will you be able to get home alone alright?" He seemed happy I asked but told me he'd be fine.

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