Chapter 1

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* picture is how he loks in this chapter !!* soft bae bae bean<3


"b—b-b-bu-but-but h-h—ha—har—harr-h-harry!!!!" i ecxliamed. i looked into his broen orbs and whispdered... "i-i-i—i l-l-lo-lo—lov—live you......." he looked at me and pushef me trhough a wall and grabbed me by my lonf blond hair and nuzzled my dace... "your too young for me.." he said. i looked i to his eyes abd said "but i-i-i lo-love you harry...""we shouldnt y/n......." he looked ag me wjth his sad brown pools of honey and i told gim "i-i-i kn-know." he slammed me against the wall and had a hundry look in his brown orbs... "but i dont care!!!" SMYT STARTS HERE!!! he grabbed me and kissed me until i couldnt breath and pulled me in closer and closer as he told me his feelings through his soft and sweet lips and whispered in my ear as he held me by my waist..amd heholds me and kisses me more and i start to feel his memeber aginst me and i get scare. "its ok..........." he yells me in my earts and i feel safe aroumd him. ghe pushed me on th ebned and ask me if i ready . wemka elove and its amazingf .. he kissed me and tell me ghe lovbed ,me and i cru tears of joy "ARE u ok,!!!" he asks and i see th eworry look on gis face . "its ok,.....,,,,,,,,, in ever did that befgore " i explainmed " y/n" i lveo tou " he sayd and then gets a 25 kill streak on mw2 rust and sets of a nuke that kills us all lmfaoooo

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