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a/n: im british and this is based in america, please ignore my spelling as its different in the two places but if yall want me to change it, i will. also i really dont understand anything about american school. im going off what my american friends have told me and what ive read in wattpad books. please bear with me and enjoy!

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Nia's POV.
as if i havent had enough stress already, today is my first day of school. sophomore year or junior year. i don't actually know.

two weeks ago i moved to california from england. big move i know. but i had no fucking choice. my dad had moved here with my older sister last year after my parents split but now my mum wants to go move in with her new boyfriend who lives in a big ass house but supposedly 'has no extra room for me'. it's obvious my mum had wanted to get rid of me since my dad left, so to say this was surprising would've been a complete lie. after she told me the news about moving in and me not being able to, she said it was either i 'move in with Allissa and dad or be homeless'.

come on, homeless at 16? no thanks. 

so i took it upon myself to move across the world. shit was expensive and my dad had only offered to pay for half of it. HALF. 

my bank account surprisingly isnt empty right now, but i'd rather have the unnecessary money i spent on travel, still in there. 

...but it's whatever, the past is in the past and whatever i do won't change it. now let's focus on the big thing. me being here in Los Angeles, California.

i wish i could say im excited but if i'm being honest, i don't know shit about america's school system so this is new to me but liss said she'll help me around so let's hope she sticks to that.

"nia you have to hurry the fuck up i swear to god, i have to pick billie up too so we have to be on the way in the next five minutes." Allissa said. 

i don't start school until 8:30 since im in 11th grade but my school has this bullshit rule where seniors start at 7:40. my sister and her little friend billie just so happen to be seniors, so im going to have to be there 50 minutes early whenever my sister drops me off.

i finish my makeup and dont bother eating breakfast as i make my way to the door and grab my bag and portable charger. liss and i make our way to her car and i hop in the backseat.

we pull up to a house and a short girl with blue hair was waiting on the porch on her phone. she was dressed in black cargos, a black shirt and a black beanie. im guessing that she liked the colour black. her style was boring, but she made it look really fucking good. 

liss beeped her car horn and the blue haired girl looked up. "hop in the car smurf, my sisters here today so dont do no weird shit" she chuckled. the blue haired girl, who i assume is billie, slowly jogged to the car with a confused expression "the fuck, you have a sister?" she got in the passenger seat and looked back at me. god she was beautiful. she had porcelain skin, blue crystal like eyes and pretty pin- "yeah she moved here the other day. i never spoke to you about her because i honestly thought i'd never have to see her again" liss knocked me out of my thoughts. rude much.

"bitch u talking like i'm not right here. you rude as fuck sometimes" i joked as i leaned back into the seat, "oh and hi billie." i continued.

billie turned to look at allissa "how the fuck does she know my name, do you talk about me to her" she whispered, a smirk slowly appearing on her face-

"no." i stated,
wiping the smirk off billies face before i continued, "she's mentioned u once, maybe twice. i figured you were billie because liss seems too boring to have any friends, she mentioned picking 'billie' up earlier, and since shes picking you up right now... you know, it'd make sense if you were her. even though i was expecting a boy." i say honestly.

"hey! billie is a gender neutralisation name" she jokingly shouts in defence. liss had started driving at this point so she just minded her own business.

"gender neutralisation name??" to say i laughed out loud is an understatement, is she really that dumb? "girl you mean gender neutral right?" i replied and she rolled her eyes in response.

"yeah yeah whatever, you know what i mean" she said as she turned back to her phone.

i opened up my phone camera to check how i looked and made sure my septum piercing wasnt lopsided. i hate it when it does that. i took a few pictures and sent it to my best friend back home, khaira, and texted her. 

khai had been my best friend for the past thirteen years so i tell her pretty much everything. we were both bummed by the abrupt news of me having to move so suddenly and it was hard to say our goodbyes but we promised on visiting eachother during holidays. 

if im being honest the only reson why i could actually get through school was because of her. so today is bound to be a shithole.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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