The Obsession

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"Can you leave me hand?" She asked.
"Huh," He said.
"You're hurting me. I just don't understand your behaviour lately,"
"Yeah now I seem to be hurting you?"
"I was just talking to a classmate you know, so I don't get why you got so jealous, plus I was literally speaking right in front of you,"
"I don't want you speaking to him,"
He lets go off his hand and stands right in front of her. They were standing in front of the parking lot in the mall.
"Look, I just don't like him. He's not a good guy,"
He continues, "I just don't like the way he looks at you,"
"He's literally my classmate, how do you expect me to ignore or avoid him? Just because my boyfriend asked me to do so. You know this is the third time you're doing this," She said furiously.
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean. You tell something or the other for any guy that's around me. I listened to you initially thinking you're thoughtful but now I am literally observing a pattern," She said folding her hands and frowning.
He grabs her arms tightly and says, "You know what? Do whatever you feel like," and pushes her arms away. However due to the sudden jerk, she loses her balance and falls down on the road.
"Oh... oh my god," he exclaimed. He immediately picks her up by her hand.
"I'm so, so sorry I didn't I," He looked at her face feeling sorry.
"I'll just go now." She said looking down turned her back and walked back home.

Things were not going good among them. It had been three months since the first incident. She had noticed him lying to her. Initially she thought that she's overthinking as the way he manipulated her made her think that way. But as she continued to think further, she connected the dots. And then they had their first argument. It happened because it was her birthday and she wanted to celebrate with her best friend while having dinner. However, he was reluctant that she should stay at home instead going out as he could not be a part of it due to some of his work.
After the argument she anyway went out to have dinner with her best friend that's when he asked her about the location and she casually told him. She was not expecting it but he showed up within 20 minutes. She thought initially that he might just wanted to surprise her on her birthday. But she felt weird.
They then had an argument again about not being able to meet as he said he was keeping busy. But the next day she was sure she noticed him outside her university however he was hiding himself. When she called him he lied saying he was at the office 'working'. That's when she realised, he stalks her.

"We have been so distant lately," He said

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"We have been so distant lately," He said.
"Hmm..." She murmured. They were having a conversation over FaceTime. She was taken aback about the realisation about him. She talked to her best friend about it and she was shocked as well. She told her to talk to him directly as it could be a misunderstanding as well. She just didn't know how to ask him this. A question like -'do you stalk me?' could potentially harm her relationship and she could lose the man she loves.
"What are you thinking about?"
"I needed you, you know, when things were going downhill with my family. Family is something that you need the most, your parents. Imagine having issues like this at home. Who do you turn to when you can't go to your family for support? Your friends... your lover," She sighed and continued, "But you were there just to make things about yourself, why I'm not calling you on time, why I can't meet you. Imagine I had to go to a therapist to talk to, rather my best friend or the man I love because I felt neither of them was there for me..."
She looked at face, into his eyes, "How do you move on from that?"
"...I should have been there, in fact I should be there with you right now, would you like to come over?"

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