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Another chapter, "Yay!"
Any who, I thought I'd update because 1) this book reached over 400 reads! 2) I have been neglecting updates and 3) I realised how short my previous chapters were so here's this one, it's not much but it's better then nothing. I hope you enjoy!

Comment thoughts please! Thanks for all of the wonderful support so far, means the world to me x
— happie

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Bailey's eyes were wide, Dr. Brown advanced closer towards the teen. "I've been looking for you Bailey, for a long time." Her voice was desperate and impatient.

Bailey scuttled away, her eyes fearful and her monitor beeping uncontrollably from the erratic beating of her heart, she tucked her legs up towards her chest and ripping the white sheet off in desperate, frantic attempt to escape.

Dr. Brown tutted. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk,"
She sighed, "There's no use running, nobody here will save you."

In a last fleeting attempt to call for help, she gripped the cord connected to the bed and slammed the red button.

"Now you've done it." Dr. Brown growled.

She leaped forward  and grabbed the girls wrist, Bailey screamed out in pain, it felt like her arm was being singed by hot coals. She slowly started to feel drained, like all of her energy was being sucked out of her.

Dr. Brown laughed as she gripped the girls wrist tighter, as she did so her face started deform. Her skin turned a pale white and deep scars appeared on her flesh; deep slashed scars, as though something had attempted to claw her face off.

Melissa was on the other side of the door, she could hear Bailey's painful screams of agony.
"Bailey!" Melissa's voice yelled out, she was frantically shaking the door handle hoping it would magically unlock.

Suddenly, screaming stopped, the door unlocked and Melissa ran into the room. Racing to the bed she took the girl in her arms.
Bailey shook, tears were streaming down her face and she frantically looked over Melissa's shoulder in attempt to find out where Dr. Brown had gone. Her eyes caught a flicker of her white coat, as she turned the corner down the hall, disappearing from sight.

"It's alright, it's okay." Melissa murmured, Bailey sat in Melissa's embrace, still questioning what had happened.

Melissa pulled back from her, inspecting the girl, making sure she was okay and wasn't physically hurt.

Bailey's eyes flickered down to her wrist and she let out a light gasp.

There was no scar or blood, not even a red mark indicating the tight grip her psychologist had held. Dr. Brown's burning grip had healed and disappeared completely. As if it had never occurred at all.

Confusion flittered across her face.

"Bailey, honey what happened?"

Bailey looked up at Melissa,

"I don't know."


She stood at the front desk, dressed in spare clothes which one of the nurses had given her.

She was finally aloud to leave the disgusting hospital. Although not officially, she was being taken to the Beacon County to answer questions, from there they would sort out a temporary home. She was signing forms and sheets of important paper with the little details she new of her self. Handing them to the lady seated behind the desk she received a small nod. The lady quickly scanned over them, checking that all of what needed to be filled out was satisfactory and then smiled up at the girl.

"Have a nice day."

Then returned to typing away at her desktop. Bailey turned around and seated herself on an uncomfortable plastic chair whilst she waited. She pondered over her time at the retched place, with its white walls and bright halogen lights. And the death, so much death it reeked. She also thought back to the clip board which had occupied a spot at the end of her bed, and how it had written:

Patients Name: Bailey JEANS
Patients blood type: - unknown -
Age: - unknown - roughly between 16-19
Condition: mild head trauma and (temporal) amnesia
Admitted: 6:26am

What caught her attention was her blood type. How could they not know her blood type?

Swinging her legs up and down in thought, she didn't even realise the sheriff had arrived.

"You must be Bailey." He greeted kindly, before giving her a firm, reassuring smile. "I'm Sheriff Stilinski, I'll be taking you to the station to ask you a few questions, will that be alright?"

Bailey just nods as a 'yes' — it was like she had much choice — and he asked her to follow him out to the vehicle. As Bailey walked out the glass doors, fresh air finally filling her lungs, she looks back, hoping to catch a glimpse of Melissa. But she was met with nothing but an empty corridor. Sighing she hopped into the front passenger seat, preparing for the awkward ride. Sheriff Stilinski was a nice man, he made small talk for the first minute then resorted to turning on the radio and tapping to the rhythm of 'Benny and the Jets' on his steering wheel. Bailey couldn't be more grateful, she hated small talk, and there's only so much you can have with a girl who doesn't really remember anything other than her name.

Comment thoughts, vote if you enjoyed :)
Thanks lovelies xx
— h4ppie

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