Tiggity Tagged #2

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You know who. Lesthanyou


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1. Name? Ello it's Nora 😎. Turtle at your service bois.

2. Age? An old fricking lady. 16.

3. Height? I'd say 5"6, but I bit taller.

4. Birthday? July 5th. WOOT!

5. Longest relationship? The one I'm in now. 6 months babbbyy!

6. Crush? Doesn't count if you gotta partner 👀.

7. Pets? Nada 😭.

8. Country/State? SWEET HOME ALA—

9. OTP? I don't know anymore man. It keeps switching for me omg, but Ima say Natsuri because it's the basic.

10. Eye color? Like a darkest green.

11. Hair color? Brownish blondie.

12. Fav Foods? Chicken, pasta, chicken, eggs, and chicken.

13. Fav song?

14. Fav animal? Seriously? Do I even need to say it?? 🐢🐢🐢🐢.

15. Fav subject in school? I was always a science type of gal myself.

16. Least fav subject? Math 😃🔪.

17. One wish? I wish. I had watch that could switch between super powers like how Ben 10's watch works. If I wanted to fly, but then shoot lasers the next I can just switch it and it'll do it.

18. Wtf is that.

19. Relationship status? A taken bacon.

20. First kiss? I kissed someone before but I never had a 'kiss kiss' if you know what I mean.

21. Someone you love? Family, partner, friends, the whole planet.

22. Someone you miss? One of my mom's friends who lives in another state 😭.

23. Something you hate? Double standards 😃🔪.

24. Fandoms? Oh boy—

TMNT, DDLC, MLP, FNAF, Cookie Run, Miraculous Ladybug, Mario, Disney, Genshin (apparently), Gravity Falls, AOT, and etc because we'd be here for a month.

25. First fandom? Definitely Gravity Falls. It started my fanfic days too 😂.

26. Fav Tv shows? Same with the fandoms. We'd be here for a while, but Im just gonna say Love, Victor for now.

27. Fav movies? Big Hero 6 is my fav movie of all time and nothing can change my mind.

28. Fav books? I absolutely (didn't think I'd say that) loooveee the Series of Unfortunate Events books. Frick yea.

29. Inside or outside? HA PLEASE! Inside ofc.

30. Jelly? No one? 👀.

31. Ethnicity? Umm. White, English, southerner XD?

32. Star sign? Hah? Ohhhh! Cancer ♋️ .

33. Middle name? Haze.

34. Snapchat? Like I'm gonna use that over Insta.

35. Books or Wi-Fi? Reading books while using the Wi-Fi 👀.

36. BFF? AppleJuice7227 😎😎. You better see this/j/lh

37. Most used app? Discord is my life now.

38. Last text? A bunch of 69's and 420's.

39. Ever fallen in love? I don't know. You tell me 👀.

40. Ima just guess they mean tag people.

HunterFoxy2 👀

JayGoose11037 👀

AppleJuice7227 👀

JustAFriendlyChild 👀

Jazzyj351 👀

StupdPersn 👀

apackofcookies 👀

kookiecov 👀

Ferret0 👀

nhlfnafgamer2019 👀

That's all for now turtles 🐢! Also these bishes better answer/lh

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