Chapter 2 :3

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7 months later

I opened my blind eyes. Suddenly colour returned to them, I felt my mouth drop open, everything became clear like the doctor said it would. A huge smile plastered itself on my face.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYY!!!" I screamed I heard running feet as Temari ran in with a scared face soon followed by kankuro

"What's wrong?!" Temari and Kankuro said in union. A huge grin crept onto my face. I ran to them .

"I can see you" I whispered Temari screamed with me then glommed me hard.

The forth walked in slowly with a small smile Kankuro just stared In awe.


"I don't know my vision just returne..." I froze I felt the intense charkra I felt months ago I started to shiver I looked at the open door. Slowly a boy walked past. I stared I felt my face go red, he had short red choppy hair that parted over a tattoo that spelt love. He had dark eyes that turned a pale green. He was no doubt the cutest boy ever seen ( the only boy I'd probably ever seen) I blushed some more. Temari turned around to see what I was looking at but the boy was gone.

I stood up and walked to the door and looked out slowly.

"Who else lives here?" I asked

"My little brother" Temari and Kankuro said together the forth shock his head

"A monster that's what"


Sorry late updates

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