Bite and Tell

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I walked down the halls of Beacon Hills high school with my books in my hands and my head down. I got to my locker and pushed my glasses farther up my nose. My name is Alicia Argent. But I just go by Aly. I know what your thinking, "Argent? Isn't that the super hot, popular Allison's last name?" She's my bitch of a sister, more like half-sister. I dont look anything like her, Im blonde and have green eyes, And I would probably be better looking than her without my thick rimmed dorky glasses and frizzy hair.

She  moves around while I've been stuck here in Beacon hills for the past 16 years of my life without anyone noticing me. But, of course, Allison spends one day here and she's the center of attention, and has already caught the eye of my lifetime crush, Scott McCall. Even when he was a social outcast, he never really payed any attention to me, only to occasionally ask for a pen or last night's homework.But this year I'll be different. I grabbed my books and dragged throught the next 6 periods until finally i reached science, my favorite class, partly because Scott was in it, but mostly because I loved the subject.

i took a random seat and began to take my stuff out when the teacher called me.

"Mrs. A, please do not take your stuff out just yet, we still have to assign lab partners."

My stomach clenched as he called the names, 

"Allison and Jackson, Stiles and Erica, Amanda and.." His voice droned on until I heard my name called, 


"Its Aly." i corrected.

"Aly and Scott."

My eyes widened and I looked over at him as he took his seat next to me.

"Hi, Im Scott." He said smiling.

"Aly," I said smiling back.

"So Aly, do you have a last name?" 

"Uh, no, just Aly." I answered quickly.

"Fair enough." he said smirking. I gawked at him. I couldn't beleive he was my lab partner.

"Mrs. A?!"

I teared my gaze away from Scott.

"I'm sorry what?" I said confused.

"Can you please name a periodic element?"

"Yeah, sorry, um.."


The bell rang and I gathered my things,

"Hey, um, Aly?"

I looked up and saw scott looking down at me, he was gorgeous. His skin was tan, his hair almost black and he was tall and lean.

'Uh, y-yeah?" I stuttered.

"Do you want me to come over to your place for the project?"

"Um, yeah, perfect!" I almost yelled. He laughed. 

"Ok, see you tonight."

I smiled and went to my locker. I looked at all the pictures of my friends and family, obviously not having one with a boyfriend, but I've always kept a special spot in my locker just in case. I put my books away and headed home. I lived 10 minutes away but I always took a shortcut through the woods,

Suddenly I heard girly giggling aand I turned to see where it was coming from and saw Scott talking to Allison. She threw a bitchy look at me and my eyes began to water up. I  turned and ran for the woods. It was winter and already six so it was getting dark, I ran until i reached a clearing and sat down. I held back tears and took a deep breath. I can't beleive she would do something like that. 

Suddenly, a howl broke the dead silence, I quickly turned, afraid, and saw two glowing red eyes, it ran torwards me and attacked me. I tried to get away, but it was too strong. I felt a sharp pain in my side and it was over. I sat on the ground for a moment registering the pain. I pulled up my shirt revealing the red stains of blood and a huge bite. I limped home and tried to clean the wound. I gave up after a while and went to bed.

What a great first day.


First chapter! tell me what you think and dont forget to vote!!!

Visual of Aly on the on the right>>>>>

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