Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. or not

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Beep beep beep

My eyes fluttered open as the alarm blared. I looked over at the clock and saw I was already late.

I scrambled out of bed and into the shower, When I came out I didn't bother to look in the mirror and looked at my bed. My overly stylish sister had locked my closet door and set out a mini skirt and crop top, and ridiculously high heels. I was already late so I threw on the clothes and ran out the door.

As I was walking through the halls every eye was on me. Did I forget to brush my hair? I kept walking until I reached my locker, which was next to Scott's, and took out my books. Just then Scott got to his locker and opened it.

"Hi, Scott," I said hesitantly.

"Oh, er, hey Al.." He looked up and his eyes widened.

"Uh, I have to go."

He scrambled away his eyes still on me, until he turned the corner.

What is going on?

I stumbled to the bathroom to see if maybe I had something on my face or in my teeth. I looked in the mirror and gasped, dropping my books. I looked different. Good different. My skin glowed and my hair fell in perfect waves, I actually looked good In the ridiculous outfit, my sister picked out. it was like I had altered overnight. Then I remembered the bite. I hesitated but eventually lifted my shirt to reveal a huge nothing. My breath caught in my throat and I stepped back. Before I had time to freak out, the bell rang. I picked up my books and walked to my class, ignoring the stares from the boys and envious looks from the girls for the next three classes and finally took my seat next to Stiles, one of my best friends, and sighed.

"What's up?" He asked cautiously, then added,

"If it's a girl problem, I don't wanna know."

I cracked a smile and punched him playfully, he always knew how to make me laugh.

"Don't worry, its nothing." I said smiling.

He looked over at me and furrowed his brow,

"What's with your face?" He asked semi-seriously.

"I honestly don't know." I admitted, "I've been getting stares since before first period."

"well, its probably because, you look hot!"

I looked down and smiled. Me and Stiles met when he saw me staring at Scott and he began to tease me about it. It was pretty embarrasing, but it eventually turned into a game when I found out he had a thing for Lydia and we've been best friends ever since. He also happens to be Scott's best friend. No biggie. He had a buzz cut and striking brown eyes with a hint of hazel, in some ways he was gorgeous.

I pulled out my books and set them on my desk. We were in english, my least favorite class. The teacher walked in with a piece of toliet paper stuck onto their shoe. I looked over at Stiles and made a face as he sunk lower in his chair, trying to supress his laughter. I almost couldn't contain my laughter as i looked as his red face.

"Mr. Stilinski?"

He immediately stopped laughing and clumsily sat up in his chair.

"Y-yes?" he stuttered and i laughed quietly.

"Do you have anything to add, Alicia?"

I sat up and said, "Just that its Aly."

"Excuse me?"

"My name, it's Aly."

"Well Aly, If you dont mind can you please open your books to page 23."

I looked and smiled. He raised his eyebrows and gave me a Not Bad look and i giggled.

The class droned on as me and Stiles made paper planes and throwing them across the room, being named the official badasses of the class.

The bell rang and I left the class, with Stiles, and walked towards my locker.


I turned around as I heard the urgent, familiar voice of Scott as he dragged Stiles away.

"Uh, Stiles?" I half-heartedly called.

"Um, I'll be right back," he yelled as he turned the corner.

I went to the bathroom to at least to my makeup, which i had forgotten, I turned the oppisite direction.

Stiles, she's a werewolf!

Thats impossible,

I turned around quickly.

"Hello?" I called out confused.

How can you even tell?

I just can. Its a werewolf thing, we can sense when other are around.

"Is anyone in here?"

She can't be a werewolf, she's too normal.

Wait, I knew that voice.

"Stiles?" I called out again,

"Are you in here? This is the girls bathroom, ya know?"

I heard a noise, and turned around so fast i almost fell over.

In front of me was a tall, buff man, with black hair and an intense gaze.

"Are you Alicia Argent?"





im not one for long chapters sorry!

Visual of stiles

and Aly after the bite.

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