chapter 4

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"WHAT!!!! I didn't even pack my bags! I didn't tell my mother, she will kill me when I get back! Shell call the cops! Maybe even think i'm dead in a ditch somewhere! You'll be waned for a murder! You didn't do!!" He giggles at the reaction i'm having.

"Its OK, its OK, your mom packed your bags .I also asked her permission. It was a random gift for you. She agreed that you needed one, so relax Jess before you murder me." He smiles again and laughs louder.

"What did she pack?" I ask with concern. I'm almost hesitant, as my face turns bright red.

"I have no clue." I sigh with relief ,cause I know what she packed... and it wouldn't be the best in the world for him to see.... As he pulls out of the drive I lean up against the door. I sort of stare off into space.A moment later he taps my arm."Are you dead? You have been staring at the same spot for four hours... Is everything OK? What is it? Is there something there?" He asks with concern. "I don't even know if you blinked..." He kind of chuckles as he says it. I smile.

" I think i'm alive but... I don't know..."

"OK well, we will only be driving for one more hour, then well make a stop. So please hold on for me, and for fuck sake please don't stare at the same spot. its driving me crazy! If anything please stare at me..." I do as he says.

"OK" I say crossing my legs, trying to hide the fact that I have to go to the bathroom. the hour passed and we stopped at this creepy gas station. Let me tell you I didn't have a happy child hood. I lived in this house the paint was peeling off.We lived with my dad.He hit us most of the time unless were luck and he was passed out. This sort of reminds me of that. This sad old gas station. The brick chipping away and the lights flickering fighting to stay on. It looks like the bathroom is outside. Grrrrrate a creepy gas Station at night with a creepy bathroom outside ...away from everyone... I go in the gas station and the clerk was this tall bulky guy. he looked pretty fucking terrifying so I ended up backing out and making Jake ask for the key.It was a deal, if he went and got the key I would passionately kiss him, When I got out witch I had no problem doing. I just waned to make him work for it. I walk to the bathroom and unlock the door .As I walk in, I see one light broke but the other barley works.Its good enough to piss and get out. So I lock the door again, look at the cracked merrier then I stop... Cause I think I might be scaring myself. After I pee I GTFO and give the key back. I walk back to the jeep and Jake isn't back yet so I decided to wait outside. I stood by the jeep leaning on the warm hood.Out of no where I here yelling ,I run twored it and I know that's like the worst thing to do. Especially at a creepy gas station. It was Jake and some other dude in a fight. I was kinda infuriated and I have no clue why. I had no reason to be. I had learned the hard way how to fight. I walked right in the middle and punched the other guy flat in the face. As the guy falls down, witch I think hes only passed out. Jake looks at me with amazement. I grab his hand and pull him back to the jeep. "What was that about?" I asked waiting for and answer...

"He said you have a nice ass and that he would rape you if he had to, but now I see that there's no way in hell that's happening..."

"Oh" I didst know what to say. Come on stupid head, think, think, think. As I look down.

"You wanna race?" What, why would he wanna race? where did that come from?


"To stretch, you know after that long drive. I need to move." He chuckles

"Um sure..." We get ready.

"On your mark get...." I interrupt him and run. Getting a head start ,of cores! "heyyyyyy that's not fair!!!" I beat him to the jeep before he knew it.

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