Chapter 2 White Fox's face

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As the Northern Liang Army's flag-carrying Chief Wei Qi, he was in trouble for a while. Although he was one of the six adopted sons of Xu Xiao from the great pillar of the country, he was a "wolf dog" among a tiger, two bears and three dogs.  But the relationship with His Royal Highness these years is actually not harmonious.

To be honest, Qi Dangguo, who was born in a poor family, is not very pleasing to His Royal Highness's popular path in the state and county, but loyalty takes the lead. Since Xu Fengnian is the eldest son of his adoptive father, he wants Qi Dangguo to kidnap his daughters by himself. This Zhechong  The Lieutenant would not frown either.  How to send Xu Fengnian back to the palace has become a difficult problem now. You can't just throw your noble Majesty on horseback, right?

Fortunately, Yiqi rushed to solve the plight of Qi Dangguo.

The horses are full of ink, extremely tall and strong. They were once the king of wild horses. After being tamed, they were handed over to the little lord Xu Longxiang. When they met the horse king, he was untamed and untamed. He raised his big horseshoes and stepped on the new master, but he kicked the iron.  , Was knocked to the ground with a punch by the boy, and since then he has become as docile as Xiaojiabiyu.  Upon hearing the news, the little prince Xu Longxiang stopped, jumped off, and yelled his brother affectionately. Seeing that there was no movement, he naively thought that his brother was dead. He cried and pierced his heart. Qi Dangguo wanted to explain it.  His Royal Highness was only overworked, and was pushed aside by the little prince. He staggered a few times and almost fell. Qi Dangguo was the fierce general of the Northern Liang Army who carried the flag for the Great Pillar State. This shows that the young man has extraordinary strength.

The old servant who was called "old yellow" by Xu Fengnian trot a few steps and said a few words softly in a thick Western Sichuan accent. Only then did Xu Longxiang burst into laughter, slapped the old servant heavily on the shoulder, and patted the old man directly.  Sitting in the dust.

The little prince didn't do anything to outsiders. He could be replaced by his brother Xu Fengnian, but he was very cautious. He squatted on the ground, carrying his sleeping brother, and walked slowly towards the city gate. The mount nicknamed "Black Teeth" was just like Fachun, stepping on it.  With small steps, he turned his head to try to rub the red horse that was held by the old servant and was not inferior to it, but the skinny and lame red horse didn't appreciate it, opened his mouth and bit, and scared the black teeth and ran away.  Open, but reluctant to run far, seem reluctant to give up.

At first in Lingzhou City, it was not sure who could let the little prince Xu Longxiang enter the city on his back, and there were two hundred soldiers from the palace who were riding like wolves and tigers behind him. Later, I don't know who exclaimed his Royal Highness. This is good.  , Lingzhou can drive the main road of three carriages side by side, especially those beautiful ladies and daughters, who don't care about the elegant demeanor, screaming and fleeing with their skirts in their arms.  The big shops that put the treasures of the town house to attract customers will hide things for the first time.

The news of "His Royal Highness is back" spread ten thousand times, spreading through the entire Lingzhou City at an astonishing speed like thunder. The two dozen brothels in the city were refreshed, and the old bustards cried with joy, some  All the enchanting oirans are sitting in the window with their hearts in their mouths and looking through the autumn waterway, "My friend, I'm finally willing to come back, I miss the slave house."

A man followed two hundred Liangzhou iron horses into the city from a distance. He was slender and dressed in a white robe, with picturesque eyebrows, peach blossom eyes and peach blossom eyes.  vulgarian.

If it weren't for the two knives worn on the left side of the waist, his background was unknown, his expression was arrogant and lofty, and the terrible sayings that shocked His Royal Highness to return to the city, some rascals and dudes who strayed on the streets would have gone up to molest them.

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