Chapter 2

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After being on the road for hours, we were finally in Colorado. The snow was thick but we managed and now we were parked outside our cabin for the week. It was simple and beautiful and I loved it. Like a little girl, I jumped out the truck in excitement and got Eva. She looked at me like I was crazy but I didn't care. I could already smell my Mama's cooking from here.

A: Come on baby let's go see what your grandma done fixed for dinner.

E: I just hope it's not that blueberry thingamajig she's always forcing me to eat.

A: Just spit it out when she's not looking. That's what we all do baby.


A: Oh hush and come on boy.

I dragged my daughter along with me to the front door and knocked loudly. I could hear my sister's bickering already on the other side. I rolled my eyes as I listened to them fight to open the door. They act like children sometimes. The door swung open and I was met with the annoyed faces of my sisters.

A: Hello my beautiful sisters.

Tay: Child mama gon beat yo ass. Get in here little girl.

I rolled my eyes at Tamar and pushed pass her. The warm air engulfed my body. I could hear my mother in the kitchen cooking and singing Christmas songs so that's where I went. She saw me and gave me the meanest look she could possibly give.

Ms. E: How lovely of my child to remember that she has a mother. You know I was just about to disown you.

A: Stop being dramatic mama and come give me a hug.

She stared at me trying to intimidate me but that didn't last long. A warm smile graced her face as she came and swallowed in up in her arms. Felt just like home.

A: I missed you mama.

Ms. E: Is that why you've abandoned me for three years?

A: Oh mama you know I wouldn't do that on purpose. I wasn't even in the state but that's a story for another time.

Ms. E: Mhm anyways where's my grandbaby and that husband of yours?

A: They probably dragged her off somewhere in here and Richard's bringing in the bags.

Ms. E: Hmm well come on let's get you settled.

My mother never really liked my husband but tolerated him because of me. I tried not to let it get to me sometimes but it does hurt because he's apart of me and he isn't going anywhere anytime soon. When it comes to Evangeline, nothing can come between them. That woman would move the sun and moon for her granddaughter and I'm so glad she has that in her life.

After getting settled in my room and making sure everything was okay, I made my way back downstairs where my sisters were singing up a storm. It reminded me of when we were younger just singing our little butts off. Mama passed me a cup of hot chocolate and I took it gladly. I joined in on the festivities singing our favorite songs until I saw the front door open. My heart immediately began to race seeing the faces of my ex in-laws. I had no idea they would be joining us.

A: Traci? Why didn't you tell me that they were coming?

Tra: Girl you act like this is news to you. They come every year.

I started to panic. If they were here, then that most definitely means that Jo'anne will be here. The last thing I need is for her to be here. Every emotion began to manifest but the main ones were guilt and fear. If she was coming then I'd be leaving. I don't need a reminder of the past. Feeling a little faint, I got up and went to my room to lay down. Maybe if I took a nap everything will be better. Perhaps I'm just overthinking things.

Later in the evening...

I woke up to the loud noises downstairs after a well deserved nap. I could hear the voices of my sisters and my ex in-laws but I didn't hear Jo'anne so maybe that's a good sign. I freshened up and headed down to join them and when I rounded the corner, I was met with the eyes of my ex wife. I froze in my tracks as we stared each other down. Her once warm eyes were hollow and ice cold at least towards me. My hands started to sweat I was so nervous.

I swallowed my pride and walked in to where they all sat. It seemed as if everyone was staring at the two of us probably waiting for something to happen. It was dead silent. I sat by my husband and daughter dreading even coming to this stupid thing.

Ms. C: Alexis, it's so good to see you darling.

A: You too Ms. Cheryl

Ms. C: Jo, you see Alexis? You haven't said much since you came.

J: Ain't got nothing to say.

All the energy that was good has been sucked out of the room. I was really uncomfortable being here right now. I knew eventually we'd run into one another but I didn't expect it to be so soon. What irritated me also is their blatant disregard for my husband. They ignored his as if he's not apart of this trip.

My daughter scooted closer to me so I guess she felt the sudden change of energy in the room. She grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear but I guess she wasn't as discreet as she thought.

E: Mommy, I don't like the way it feels right now.

My body got stiff as I felt Jo'anne's eyes on me. I looked in her direction as her eyes studied my daughter. They were so cold and showed no emotion and it frightened me. It wasn't until I saw the hand of a woman (I didn't even realize was there) place her hand on her shoulder. A small pang of jealousy filled my spirit as I watched how calm this woman manage to make her... something that I used to be able to do.

Guilt and shame clouded my body as I held my daughter close. I felt the fear within her when Jo'anne looked at her. It irritated me to see her not show one emotion. It was as if she didn't recognize Eva or maybe she did. How could she not recognize her own daughter?

ALRIGHT!!!! There you have it. Chapter 2 is complete. I hope I didn't trigger too many people with that cliffhanger. Remember guys this is a short story so the climax is gonna be like BAM!!! In your face instead of a slow steady build like my other books. I hope you liked it and if you did leave a comment and a like okay?

Excuse my mistakes in this book I'm a fast typer and don't always review my work. Anyways, chapter 3 coming soon.

Love you babies


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