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~~~~~~~Tomioka Giyu POV~~~~~~

Giyu was in shock.

His mind and body, for once, were completely out of sync.

He was screaming at himself to wake up, grab the blade and slit the throat- whom, he wasn't really sure, but he needed to move.

Sabito was whispering sweet nothings in his ear as he held Giyu tight.

Suddenly they heard ripping through the canopy.

On instinct, they sprang apart, Giyu grabbing his katana and spinning around to find-


(sue me I couldn't find someone else who I wanted to spring in on Sabigiyu)

"Giyu-san! The Corps was worried about how long your mission was taking, and so they sent me out to help!"

Rengoku regarded Sabito, who was staring at Kyojuro with the most dumbfounded look.

"I take it this is the demon?"

Before Rengoku could act, Giyu had calmly pinned Sabito to the forest floor, hands behind his back.

" No. He is not a demon, but I have some... interest in this one. I will take him back to the Corps on my own, you go on ahead, they cannot be short another pillar right now."

"Alright, Giyu-san! I will see you at the next hashira meeting!"

With a nod, Rengoku departed.

Giyu let out a small breath. He had got his wits together just in time, he hadn't been thinking clearly since he had seen 'Sabito'. 

"Uhm... Hey Yuu? Could you let me up?"

Giyu had almost forgotten.

~~~~~~~Sabito POV~~~~~~~~

Okay, Giyu was much stronger than when Sabito had seen him last.

In the physical sense, yes, but also in the scale of skill. He was faster on his feet, and he moved lighter through the air. Sabito could barely even see him when he did that.

"Uhm... Hey Yuu? Could you let me up?" He asked hesitantly.

Giyu froze a bit-it was obvious he had forgotten he was sitting on top of him. 

Before Sabito could blink, Giyu had him on his feet and pushing him forward, hands still held behind his back.

"Up and moving. We are going to the Corps to get you checked out."

Yeesh, stone cold. Sabito thought. Maybe it was fortunate that Giyu didn't believe he was alive, 'cause if he did, he would absolutely be looking out for this move. When they were younger, Sabito would do it so often that in a spar, Giyu could rely on that move to win if he blocked it.

"Alright, Alright. Jeez, When did you get so uptight?"

As Giyu opened his mouth to reply, Sabito made his move.

He fell down so that he was crouching, pulling Giyu down with him, swept his leg underneath his feet while he was trying to regain balance, and caught him by the collar of his uniform.

Normally, Sabito was sure, This move would be immediately blocked, but even as Giyu ushered away that other Hashira, he still wasn't fully there. His mind was still wandering off, and Sabito would have to exploit this in case another foe wanted to use it against him. (Also, Sabito just wanted to use it against Giyu cause he thought the ravenette was being stupid, but nobody needs to know.)

Giyu was surprised, but regained his footing in the position, using Sabitos hand on his collar by twisting it and sending the taller man flying into the ground. As Sabito gasped for breath, Giyu had once again pinned him.

Now, this isn't fair, Sabito thought. I wasn't even trying to hurt him.

But his message had gotten through. It turns out he wasn't the only one who remembered their sparring training.

"You really are Sabito, aren't you?"

(I'm sorry this was such a disappointing chapter I'll update more I promise)

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