Chapter 38

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It's been 4 months and a lot has happened.

Emerald gave birth to a beautiful girl called Morgan.

Beatrix gave birth to her twin girls belle and Yokko.

Christa had a girl called JaeMi

Max has started construction on a new house for vampires because the pack is getting bigger and with my brothers, there mates and there kids all being vampires, Max thought it would be nice for then to have there own space.

The kids are as crazy as ever.

Something tells me that Morgan, Belle, Yokko, JaeMi and Steph are going to be best friends.

Sophie is starting to learn how to ride Peanut, I know a 1 year old learning how to ride a horse...blame Max.

Hulk and Jake are like best friends now and he also made friends with a few of the kids.

Sophie and Luca are still as cute as ever together.

And I think that's it.....ow wait no we also upgraded the gym and were building a house for Ryder and London.

I walked through the pack grounds seeing how construction was doing on the vampire mansion.

The shape of the place was done and they knew where every thing was going. They just had to build it all.

The mansion was going to have 10 bedrooms incase we get some more vampires, a blood bank where we get blood sent to the pack house from the hospital and then it gets taken over to the mansion.

They will have a mini gym, dungeon (don't ask), a big kitchen, a huge library, 13 bathrooms, a large living area and a very very big garden.

There is some other things but that's it for now.

Then I walked over to Ryder and London's house.

There's is a similar style to the pack house but made to suit them because there foxes.

They have 6 bedrooms, a kitchen, 5 bathrooms, a living room, a games room, a office and a big garden.

It's kinda like a family home.

We have the houses set up in a certain way.

Were building on a huge peace of empty land and it's all been fenced off.

Inside the fence will be where my brothers and there mates stay and maybe a few supernatural creatures that join the pack.

At the far end is the vampire mansion and the fox house is next to the gate.

There will be a road that goes through the middle that will eventually connect all the houses together.

As each of my brother come back we will start building there house and mine and Max retirement home is going to be built there.

After being happy with the work I walked out of the fenced area and over to the pack house (the pack house is right next to it).

I walked in and the lights were off and it was quite.

I turned the lights on "SURPRISE" I jumped and screamed as I looked at the pack members gathered around.

"Happy birthday kitten" Max said walking up to me and kissing me.

"You remembered" I said and smiled.


It's a good thing the kids aren't in the pack house for tonight, wondering why? Well there is a lot of alcohol.

Hazel is pissed because she is pregnant and isn't aloud to drink.

Emerald is pissed out of her head.

Ashley is following at the rate she keeps drinking.

Natalie's high, don't ask.

And I'm a bit of both, high and drunk.

"Babe I think you have had to much" I think Max said "I'm fine" I slured.

"Let lose Max enjoy my party" as soon as I said that Emerald ran past in just her underwear with Josh trying to convince her to put clothes on.

"She enjoying it" I said laughing as I finished my 3rd bottle of vodka.

Natalie came up to be and dragged me into the dancing crowd and we started dancing.

I round a pole *winky face* let's just say me and a pole are best friends now, my new dance if partner in crime.

And then the rest of the night was a blur.


I woke the next day with a pounding headache.

I noticed I was in the living room.

I got up and saw all the passed out pack members sleeping in funny positions.

I looked at myself and noticed I was only in my underwear.

"What happened last night?" I asked myself "you don't want to know" I looked up and saw Max.

"Did you not drink the whole night?" I asked "nope I had to stay responsible incase an attack happened" he said which made me feel guilty.

"Hey don't feel guilty it was your birthday you have never acted like that before" he said making me feel a bit better.

"Come on let's get you some clothes" he said guiding me past the passed out bodies.

We got to the room and I got changed.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Max was gone.

I walked downstairs and saw some of the pack members were up helping move the sleeping ones.

I laughed at the sight and walked into the kitchen where the chef was making pancakes.

I saw Max and thought this would be a brilliant time to ask.

"Max what happened last night?"


Shout out to Seinelee because she let me use 3 of there characters that's in her fanfic called Empty Doll.

It's a diabolik lovers fanfic and I love it loads and I messaged Seinelee asking if I could use 3 of the characters and she agreed.

So big thanks and I can tell you that I'm getting so excited for the second book that I might start uploading 2 chapters a day so you can start reading the second book.

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