The Divorce

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Chloe Parker in the media bar

Paige's POV

I sat there pondering out the café window, it was snowing out there but it was still quite noisy. I was interrupted by my buzzing phone. I entered my passcode which was my birthday, I can never forget it. I was feeling a bit down today because today is Bill and I's supposed to be anniversary. Ever since that dick cheated on me, I started being very glum and moody. But, it's not gonna happen today. I walked out of the café and got into my car. When I reached my house, I called out everybody's name to make sure they're okay. Yes, I am an overprotective person and I do care about my family.

"Mom? Dad? Kendall? Chloe? Alexis?" I shouted while walking towards our living room. Instead of getting a 'hey sweetie' , I get A serious Kendall walking towards me and following behind her were Chloe and Alexis with the same expressions. Obviously, some thing was wrong.

"Paige!" Chloe exclaimed while Kendall and Alexis hushed her.
"Did you forget mom and dad are in a meeting upstairs?" Chloe asked her suddenly happy expression turned into a solemn one.

"And did you realize that they are going to kill you for shouting while they are in their meeting?" Added Alexis.

Uh oh, I made a big mistake back there. If there is one rule to know in this house is to never interrupt mom when she's in a meeting...

I went up to my room and threw my bag onto the floor.

I heard a strong knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in!" I shouted from my bed, the door swung open to reveal an angry Diane, which is my mom...

"YOUNG LADY DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!!?" My mom shouted at my face, but before I could reply, she raised her hand to slap me. Thankfully, my dad stopped her and pulled her out of my room.

Alexis then entered and looked at the floor so you couldn't see her eyes. After a whole two minutes of silence, Alexis finally spoke, "Dad wants to talk to us about something and he looked angry" Alexis continued."he told me to come and get you from your room" She finished.

"Uh. alright then." I said.

We went downstairs to the dining room and took our usual Seats, Alexis to my right, Kendall to my left, and Chloe to Kendall's left.

It was a bit weird that my parents were not sitting next to each other today, but at the heads of the table. I was fidgeting with my bracelet, while Alexis and Chloe were on their phones. Kendall was staring at the plain white table, and she looked like she was about to cry any minute.

My dad finally cut the silence, "Do any of you girls have any idea why I called you in here?"
We all shook our heads in unison, except for my mom which was frowning at my dad.

"You see," my dad paused, "Your mother and I are having issues with eachother..."

"So we decided we should get divorced," my mother finished.

Chloe and Kendall are closer to my mom, so they weren't as heartbroken as Alexis and I were, the worst part for Chloe and Kendall was when dad said, "You see, your mother does not want to be stuck with you all, so you guys will come and live with me" my dad said in a perky voice.

"That's not true Brian, I said I couldn't handle 4 kids!" My mom argued.
My dad seemed to easily ignore moms comment, and looked at us, then mom grinned and said,
"Girls, there's a catch, your dad has a girlfriend, and she's a total bitch!"

My dad slammed his hands on the table and stood up before shouting out, "VIVIENNE IS A LOVELY WOMAN, HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!!" My dad stormed out the room.

My mom grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge and went upstairs. Chloe and Kendall's eyes were filled with tears, so they broke down into tears. Alexis was staring at me, and I was staring at her. We were staring at each other for five minutes then went to our rooms.

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