Explosive Reunions! Part 1

505 26 39

Tokyo Japan, 2011 

We open up to an alarm going off in someones bedroom as groans were heard before a beautiful looking hand stopped the alarms persisting noises as we then cut to a bathroom where the shower was running a tall man's silhouette was seen rubbing soap across his body along with putting shampoo in his hair.

Afterwards we see the man now clothed in a white uniform pick up his blue flip phone seeing the text he got 2 days ago about his sister being arrested over a murder apparently. The man simply tucked the phone in his pocket before going over to an open suit case filled with various items that seemed to be more for a female rather than a fully grown man.

The man closes the suit case before grabbing a small travel size bag and wrapped it over his shoulder before grabbing a pair of keys and a walkman as he then walked out of his apartment before closing and locking the door while holding out his Walkman.

The man then grabbed something out of his other pocket and put a cassette tape in the walkman as he then put on the headphones connected to the device before playing The Beatles Abbey Road.

A/n: I do not own this

We then cut to an airport where the sailor man walks through the international airport and goes to the front of a specific desk that was named Speedwagon Airways he then showed his ID to the full service worker who quickly nodded and lead the sailor through the airport and towards a private jet that had the Speedwagon foundations logo.

The pale skinned Kujo walked towards it and boarded the jet placing down his suitcase in between his legs and the travel bag on his lap. Y/n then put his seatbelt on as a pilot walked over towards Y/n who's settled into his seat.

Speedwagon Foundation Pilot: Where to Mr. Kujo?

Y/n: I need  to head to Florida, and please don't take your time I'm in a hurry.

SF Pilot: We won't disappoint sir, but it'll take 14 hours.

Y/n: That's fine, there's plenty of time on our side.

Police Station, Port St. Lucie Florida

Y/n is seen exiting a cab with only his suit case that he then took with towards the building before entering. As he did so a man strange looking ears and brown hair making Y/n give him a strange glance before going towards the front desk.

Officer: What're you here for?

Y/n: I'm here to see a family member recently incarcerated.

Officer: Name and relationship please. *He said pulling out a clipboard*

Y/n: Jolyne Cujoh, she is my sister.

Officer: Ah she just had a talk with her lawyer I'll get you signed in.

Y/n: (Lawyer? The man I walked by seemed to have that aura.)

Officer: All good to go, but we'll need to check the suit case before visitation is allowed.

Y/n just nodded before walking over to another cop who was listening and handed him the suit case before walking towards a metal detector that only beeped once making the officers operating the machine to look.

Officer 2: Nothin too out of the ordinary just a Walkman and a lighter.

Y/n only walked past it as the 2nd Officer walked in front of him holding  out his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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