Chapter I: First Greetings

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How long has it been since I have been here? Searching for this lost and forgotten kingdom. A kingdom that was whispered about from legends and tales. I know that I am the last pure Silver Phoenix hybrid. Not since the first.

I was not sure why, father said it was because we're not just normal Pure Silver phoenix hybrids, we're also something else. A pure half of something, but...father and mother wouldn't tell.

Although...I should end this entry for now, I need to continue my quest in finding out more of my heritage and family...Well, find the missing pieces of what my family left behind and scattered.


The young silver-haired teen sighed as he finished writing the last bit of his entry before closing the journal and put it in his bag. The young silver-haired teen wore a simple steel gray hoodie, green silk tunic, a black bandanna scarf wrapped around his neck, dark gray trousers, steel black combat boots and white gloves. He also had snowy pale skin, a bright silver white eye and his other was covered by a black blindfold. Gifted to him by his father before he suddenly disappeared.

Oh and he has a small silvery feathered tail and pure silver-white phoenix wings, which looks extremely fluffy.

With a slight huff, he looked around his surroundings, which was inevitably just more forest. He has been traveling for quite some time now and has grown tired of seeing the same thing for the past month. He stood up, picked up his bag and put it on his back, careful of his wings and continued to venture forward.

Hoping he'll get to the next town soon.


'NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE-' The silver-haired teen internally screamed, running as fast as he could to the nearest shelter, ignoring the hiss of pain he feels from the rain that pours downwards. Did he ever mention that he was deathly afraid and allergic to all water except hot spring water, pure water and ice cold water? No? Understandably, he is running at the moment and has barely managed to get into a cavern just as it rains even more.

He sighed in a bit of relief, he then felt the hissing pain from where the water had hit his skin, which happens to be the back of his neck and a bit of his face. Taking out some things from his bag to address the slight burns he had gotten. Which was a common occurrence really.

Once he was finished, he put his stuff back in his bag, put it on and looked around the cavern. Curious as he has never really seen it, despite being in this forest for a week now.

So he summoned a bit of fire as a light source and began to explore the cavern. Wondering what is pulling him here in the first place.


The young man was very surprised to see ancient ruins to say the least. To find ancient ruins in such a land as this is a surprise as it did not hold too much history all on its own. Only that it is home to the various wolf tribes. However, the young man was very lucky that he was taught a lot of things from his parents, he and his Brother however struggled with one thing...

Speaking in anything but their native language.

With a soft huff, he continued to explore...until he heard the slight sound of a scream. Panic, he quickly ran, searching for where the sound had echoed from. He mentally noted how the caverns were similar to puzzles and mazes. Meant to distract and cause unfortunate travelers to get lost and possibly never come back.

After some time trying to find his way around and to where he heard the echo of the scream. Although, after what felt like hours of search, he found a fairly large and open room. There, he sees a giant serpent like creature with deep sea green scales, red fins on the side of its head and body, pale green underbelly, deep purple-black eyes that's dripping a purple-black liquid. It seems to be injured but it was prepared to attack someone that was younger than the young man himself.

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