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            As I finished packing my suitcase, I looked around my room. It was crazy to think that I would never fully return to my small cozy home in North Dakota. As I prepared to spend the next 4 months down in South Carolina at my mother's best friend's cottage as we had every year before I realized this may be the last time, I spend my summer there too. Upon my return to North Dakota at the end of the summer I would pack up once again to head to Florida. There I would begin my freshman year at the university of Florida. I was looking forward to this fresh start alongside my best friend Aaliyah.

After taking a few moments to reflect on what would be I returned to packing my bags. Eventually I decided the only solution was sitting on top forcing it closed. Hearing her mother yell for her to hurry up she grabbed her last few bags rushed down the stairs and jumped into the car.

As their journey began my mom talked about stories of past summers and sharing excitement to see her best friend once again. June moved out to Nevada 13 years ago when her husband received a promotion taking them across country. It was that summer that June and my mom began this annual trip. In the early years my dad and brother Andrew would join as well, but seeing as they left us, they no longer come. At this point June's husband stopped going too as he was just far too busy to spend 4 months away from work. June's son Emerson continued to come until he started high school 6 years ago, now he claims to have better things to do. I don't mind at all though as I never liked him. We never got along, and he tended to make my summers miserable.

Taking out my phone and checking the time I sighed, seeing we were only 1 hour into our long journey I began texting Aaliyah, June's daughter, and my best friend. Her and June arrived last week to get everything ready. I was so excited to see her again having not seen her since the end of last summer. Aaliyah and I were complete opposites, but I think that's what made us the best of friends. She said she had a surprise for me this year and I could not wait to see what, June and Aaliyah always had the best surprises. I eventually shut my phone off falling asleep thinking of what this summer what bring and Aaliyah's plans to make it the best one yet...

Authors Note:

The prologue is here! I am so excited for you to begin reading the first few chapters. I am editing them now and hoping to share them in the coming days! Add this book to your library to make sure you don't miss an update!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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