Chapte 1

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[Jungkook pov]

I was walking through the pavement while whispering my favorite song. It really helps me to reduce my whole stress.

Ah..btw let me introduce myself. I 'm Jeon Jungkook. Age 21. My parent died when I was in 15.Now I 'm living with my uncle & aunty. I have a brother who named Min Yoongi. He's the only trustworthy person for me. He's 23 y/o and he's the coach of our rifle shooting academy. He's the main reason for what I gained till now. I mean I 'am the best shooter in Busan hehe. Anyway I got to go now as I am already late to the univercity. I don't have any need of detention nah? [He ran to the school]

[Skip to school]

Prof - Ok children turn to page number 108. [Teacher started writing and suddenly the door burst open while revealing a panting Jungkook.]

JK – Sorry ... Professor ..... I 'm little bit late [Still breathing heavily]

Prof – [sigh] it's ok Mr.Jeon. At least you have come to school after an exhausting day. We all know how much you worked for the yesterday competition. Anyway go and sit on your place.

JK – Thank you teacher [He bowed and went to his seat]

Prof – Right children... now.....jkidfihdjnkjdhdhfhdfhj.

[Time skip to Lunch]

[No one pov]

Jk is having his lunch but he suddenly flinched when he felt bone breakable hug from back. He already knows who is that, He's none other than his bestie Jimin and he's Yoongi's boyfriend.

Jimin – Hi bish. [He ruffled Jk's hair]

Jk – Hi Shortie [Jungkook said while gaining a death glare from Jimin]

Jimin – Youuuuu.....Coconut head....How dare you called me SHORTIE..yo..........[He started yelling at Jungkook but cut off by a warm hug from his boyfriend]

Yoongi – leave it now [He said in sleepy voice and rest his head on Jimin's lap for sleep]

Jimin – sleepy cat. Do you really want to sleep now? [He pout while caressing his boyfie's cheeks] with that Yoongi peck Jimin's lips. [Jimin blushed]

[Jungkook pov]

Aish these two love birds. Omo my innocent eyes [Fake cries].

Jimin – Ya you crack head ......when have you been innocent? Duh! [Roll his eyes annoyingly]

Ya ya whatever..... [After having our lunch we moved to our next classes]

[Time skips to after school]

Jk went home and did his normal daily routing as there was nothing special to do. So yeah now days he's living all alone as his uncle & aunty went 3 months business trip and Yoongi lives with Jimin. After work he prepared himself for sleep and slept while thinking about tomorrow.

[At midnight]

[No one pov]

Jungkook was sleeping peacefully but interrupted by someone's loud scream. He flinched and sat on the bed while concentrating what just happened. After some seconds he decided check it out. Then he got up from the bed and went out of his apartment. There were some ashes on the floor and a girl was sitting on the floor while looking at ashes shivering. He went to her.

[Jungkook pov]

Hey, what happened? Is everything ok?

Girl – mom [she started crying].

I was about to ask something but stopped when I heard some loud screams again. My hands are shaking due to the fear. I didn't have any idea of what happening now so I ran in to my house and close the door. I went straight to my phone and dialed yoongi's number. After some seconds he answered.

[On phone]

JK – h...h...hyung [He stuttered] what's going here? [he heard a crying sound through the phone]

Yoongi – I don't know kook. Something is wrong everywhere. Mochi also scared. He don't even let me go out to check the situation. He's crying none stop.

Jk – I .......... I see .....uhm.......take care hyung . There is a breaking news. I am going .bye

[Yes he's watching TV to know what's happening]

Yoongi – Ok bun....plz take care. I 'm going to switch on the TV too. Bye [He hung the call] [Yoongi pov]

I don't know what happening but the only thing I know is we have to go to kook asap.We can't leave him in this situation. Anyway let's go to chim. [He went to Jimin]

Yoongi – baby........kook called me... [Sitting near him]

Jimin – I heard baby. Is he okay? [Sobbing]

Yoongi – No baby don't cry ok? He's doing well. Wait let's watch news ok? [He pat Jimin's back and turn on the TV] -After watching breaking news-

Yoomin – WTF..........

[Meanwhile with Jk]

[Jungkook pov]

I saw the breaking news. But how could this be possible.

-Flashback- [On the TV]

Reporter – Yes, now you can see the situation of this place. As you can see, there is only a pile of ashes left where a man used to be. According to scientists, this condition affects only people over 25 years of age .We urge you to take care of yourself and all your brothers and sisters until a solution is found.We kindly request you not to take advantage of the insecure situation prevailing at this time.The country is in a very difficult situation at this time without adult guidance. We also lost our president, vice president, some cabinet members too.Always be vigilant. Be mindful.I say goodbye for now hoping to meet you with new information. I 'm Kang Liya from TV 1. [Breaking news end]

[Back to Jungkook pov]

[He received a call from Yoongi]

[On the phone]

Jk – H....hyung!

Yoongi – Listen Kook. Stay there until morning and go to store , buy what you want and come back and wait till we reach your house ok..........[He said in one breath]

Jk – Hyung don't worry I have my revolver. Wait a minute................. Why are you talking like you are far away from here? [Concern tone]

Yoongi – Actually...........we are not in Busan. We're in Daegu. We came here after yesterday classes end as Chim wanted to visit his brother Bogum. Btw we will come tomorrow. Ok? Be safe.

Jk – Ok hyung .Take care. See ya tomorrow.

[End the call]

What the heck is happening to this world? [Sigh]

[He drifted to sleep with a huge heart]

[Time skip to morning]

Jk wake up as Hobi aka sunshine hit his face. [Hehe] He did his daily routing and wore something comfy. He get his revolver from the drawer. He went to his car and drove for the grocery shop.

[Jungkook pov]

It's soo weird as I didn't saw any old people. The most common thing to see is someone crying cuz they lost their someone. I parked my car bit far from the grocery shop and started walking through the pavement. 

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