Chapter 56: The President's "confession"?

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Ryota's POV. Class 2-B.

Currently, a few days have passed since the disbandment of the Student Council.

Miyuki told us that he wanted to be re-elected as the Student Council President. So he asked me, and Fujiwara-san for a strategy meeting after class.

Ryota: So, Miyuki, are you sure about this? I mean, as far as I know, no one has ever been re-elected as the Student Council President of Shuchiin. Academy.

Chika: The Student Council Election.....huh......?

Fujiwara-san taps her notebook with her pen.

Chika: Miyuki-kun, you're an outsider here. An impure like Ryo-chan.

Ryota: You don't have to point it like that, also what's with the nickname!?

Chika: Hehe.

Ryota: Ehem. Anyways......getting back on topic.

Chika: Most of the students here are pure students who started here at elementary school.

Miyuki: Right.

Chika: I have a feeling that some of them wouldn't be too pleased with your re-election as the President.

Ryota: Ah, talk about the old ways of the aristocracy or the feudalism back in the Kamakura Period.

Ryota: But you know, I think we should base our leaders on their skills, not their social status or wealth. 

Chika: That kinda hurts when you say that.

Chika: *came from a family of politicians*

Ryota: *came from a former noble clan*

Ryota: Well, I have no doubts about your family in their ways of the government.

Ryota: Aaaaanyways........

Ryota: Getting back on topic with Miyuki's re-election as the president.

Ryota: Just like Fujiwara-san said, a lot of students, especially the "pure" students wouldn't like to have you re-elected.

Miyuki: Yeah. That was also a hindrance as well when I was elected last year.

Chika: So one major thing you need to assign someone else to be in charge of your campaign speeches.

Ryota: I'll sit that one out. Though, I may be popular in the school, I am also an impure like Miyuki here.

Miyuki: I was also thinking of picking Kaedehara for that but.......yeah.....

Miyuki: You got a point there.

Chika: Well........Kaedehara-kun could be our ace in the hole but........

Chika: Fortunately, someone with enough popularity and charisma to sway the pure students...........

She crossed her fingers and lets out a sly grin.

Chika: around the area.

Ryota: She's talking about herself........

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