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July 10th


It's a famous private school just for seniors with an amazing photography program and I don't think I've ever been more excited for anything in my entire life. Sometimes, I can barely believe it. One thing I know for sure is that I'm just excited to get out of Seattle. Yeah, I've kinda made friends, but in the end, I really miss Arcadia Bay. Not the people exactly since I'm not exactly sure if they remember me, but just the place. I miss it.

Anyways, since I have some financial aid, the possibilities of extra things for my dorm is practically endless. Well, not really, but pretty close.

Now I'm gonna go dance around my room some more.


August 18th

So everything became 100% official today. I'm leaving Seattle and going back to Arcadia Bay. In some ways, that makes me all kinds of sad, but you know, sometimes it's good to move on, and I feel like that should be me. I feel like I need to move on from Seattle. I haven't been to Arcadia Bay in 5 years though.

Maybe I just want to go back to Arcadia Bay and see if the friendship between Olivia and I still exists, but I wholeheartedly doubt it. We were those best friends that everyone thought were going to stay best friends when we were older, but obviously that didn't work out according to plan. 

It would've been cool if he could've come with us to Seattle. That city was practically made for him. We would have had a kick ass time in Seattle, and maybe we would have ended up coming back to Arcadia Bay to go to Blackwell. Who knows?

Considering this journal entry seems to be full of "what if's" more than anything else, I'm just gonna stop now.


August 25th

I'm pretty sure my mom is going to turn my room into a yoga room when I'm gone.

Although it's kind of annoying, I think it also shows how much I really am leaving behind. I don't really plan on coming back to Seattle after I graduate. I don't know what I will be doing, but definitely not any of that. Maybe I'll travel. Maybe I'll stay in Arcadia Bay. Who really knows at this point? Definitely not me.

But anyways, I have way too much shit. Seriously. Too much shit than I even know what to do with. I feel like I want to just take nothing with me and start fresh in Arcadia Bay.

I'm just excited to learn photography from the Mark Jefferson. Although it makes me nervous, I can't wait for the school year. I want things at Blackwell to be different.


September 2nd, 12:07 am

So tonight is the very first official night in my dorm room before the very first official day of school tomorrow. And to say that I'm excited is way too much of an understatement.

I've been unpacking my shit all day. Sure, my room is small, but damn, do I have a lot of shit. However, I like it because it's mine and no one else can say that. So there. I'm planning on decorating too, including a photo wall just because that seems cool to me.

Unfortunately, I already got some glares for playing my music too loud. So that's one way I met some of my dorm mates, but I'm just gonna pretend that didn't happen. Tomorrow - or I guess today - will be a new start to me.

If I had a glass, I would make a toast. Here's to my senior year.


September 3rd

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