1996 was an awful year for Valentine Powers. But then again, what year wasn't. Junior year wasn't kind on him. School stressed him out, Home stressed him out. His only happy place was his old friend Chloe's house. They'd been friends since middle school and being together was just what they knew.

"Hey so Kat's gonna be over here tomorrow with this dude she's been hanging with, you should meet him she said you guys would get along." Chloe mentioned, passing the blunt to Me. "Dude, If my mom smells weed on me again im fucking done for okay? put that away." I beg, knowing if I get caught it'll be the death of me. "Okay, okay but only because I fucking love you." Chloe laughed before getting up and tossing it out the open window, lighting a candle to push out the smell. "You should really get a girlfriend Val, It'd be so fun to go on double dates! Kat and I, You and someone.. It'd be sick!" Chloe gushed leaning her head on my shoulder. I felt a hole in my stomach. Did I want a girlfriend? I've always wanted to be loved but, something felt wrong about it all. 'Girlfriend' the word stuck to me like a hot lick of fire. "Yeah.. Maybe." I croak out uncomfortably. I can tell Chloe notices somethings up with me. "Hey, Val if you don't want a girlfriend thats totally fine. I'm here for you no matter what. I don't care if you got some girl or not. C'mere." She pulls me into a hug and everything feels okay. Everything about Chloe is so familiar and comforting. That's why shes my best friend. "Thanks, man I'm sorry I just felt a little sick. I think I should get home." I say. "I'll leave my jacket here so my mom doesn't smell the weed, see you and Kat with the mystery boy tomorrow!" I say as I hurry out of her house.

Thankfully I lived far enough that I had a bit of a walk before I got home. I hate having to face my family. I don't know what I want. Maybe Chloe's right. I do want someone to love. I Don't have time for that now though. Standing infront of my door has always been emotional. You can feel the anguish in the house. not a home. I've always hated the way this house makes me feel. Nothing can ever erase the pain that I've experienced in this place. I run from the place as soon as I can, and Im always hesitant to enter.

"Val what the hell are you doing standing there, get inside." Zeke shouted at me looking through the open window. I grunt and take out the house key, Zeke being so helpful as to not let me in. After I steped through the door Zeke made a b-line for the kitchen. "I thought I told you to do the fucking dishes yesterday. Now Mom's gonna bitch at me." Zeke whined. "I'll do the dishes Zeke just go watch Willow now." I groaned, eyeing the day old food waste stinking up the kitchen. "Its your turn to watch Willow! I watched her while you were at school." "How the fuck am I supposed to do the dishes and watch her? If you weren't an unemployed grown man living at mommy's house with nothing to do all day maybe I'd have Sympathy for you, but I'm actually trying to do something with my life so get the fuck out of it." I scream. I'm so done with him.

I finish off the crusty dishes eventually and immediately Willow walks over and stares up at me. She's the only other person in this place who isnt fucking insane. "Do we have any applesauce?" Willow asks, tugging at the ratty end of my coat. "I think we ran out yesterday lo, I can check though." I drag my heavy feet over to the baren pantry, Barely any remaining food lined the shelves, as usual there was barely anything to feed the 4 people who lived under this roof. One small container of applesauce remained. Bingo.

When I emerged from the pantry willow smiled as she saw the applesauce container in my hands. "Its the last one but, I'll ask mom to leave me some money so I can go to the store tomorrow." Willow nodded. It didn't matter to her. Food and entertainment made her happy. "Lets go watch Animaniacs." I suggested, Willow sprinted upstairs to my room where We popped in the VHS into the boxy player in my room.

As the charming theme started to play I turned to my backpack, remembering the swamp of homework I have piled up. Stress. Stress. Stress. I feel the pain seeping through my skull. Fuck this. I grab my discman and put in my favorite. Siamese Dream by The Smashing Pumpkins. The sounds drown out my pain. The Darkness of the room makes it feel just a little bit better. The beat makes me feel like I'm anywhere else but here. Maybe im in Chloe's room. Yellow lighting and fuzzy carpets graze my mind. Maybe Im by the creek. Out in nature. Feeling the beauty in untouched land.

I can hear the landline ringing from downstairs. I sigh and hit the stop button on my discman. "I'll be right back Willow-" I grunt, gliding down the steps. She just nods, eyes glued to Katie Kaboom's antics. When I reach the phone I hurridley pick it up. "Powers residence. How can I help you?" I mutter, slighty panting. Chloe's voice fills my ear. "Sorry Val I know we were just hanging out but I wanted to ask if theres anything I can do. Like I know all the shit with your home life so I was wondering if I could Babysit willow or Go out and get groceries." She suggested. She's really sweet. We've been friends for 5 years now and I can hardly remember life without talking to Chloe all day. "I think willows been asking for a sleepover at your place, maybe we could both come over tonight. Tomorrows Saturday." I smile, an escape. Even if just momentary. Its way better than a sleepless night in my room. "I'll pick yall up at 6. Byee!" Chloe exclaimed before I heard her slam the phone down. I put the phone down too and checked my watch.

5:35. Shit! "ZEKE! ME AND WILLOW ARE HAVING A SLEEPOVER AT CHLOE'S!" I scream before running upstairs and putting together a bag of clothes for me and willow before Zeke can object. "Hey Lo, me and you are gonna sleep at Chloe's house tonight okay?" Willow turns off animaniacs and gets excited. I check my watch again a while later. 5:55. "Lets go wait outside Lo!" I say enthusiastically. Before we leave I yell out to Zeke "TELL MOM WE'RE STAYING AT CHLOE'S." I slam the door right behind me with a sigh of relief.


"GET IN BITCHES I MADE MAC N CHEESE." Chloe screams from the front seat of her purple 1996 Chevy Impala. I smile, finally I can fucking relax. Willow runs to the door and i help her into the seat, fastening her seatbelt and giving her a reasurring kiss on the forehead. Sometimes she gets scared of loud things even though Lo's pretty loud herself. But Chloe's loud, she means well but sometimes Willow gets nervous. I close the door and slide into the passenger seat putting our bags at my feet. "Hey Chloe, Willow doesn't do well with loud noises, wanna turn down the music?" I suggest as the loudness of Rape me fades into Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle on Chloe's very played In Utero CD I gave her for her birthday 2 years ago. "Ohh yeah sorry about that Val, I forget." She says as she turns the radio on instead to a soft pop station instantly putting willow more at ease.

"The kids gonna grow up and idolize Madonna or some shit." Chloe jokes under her breath as she pulls out of the driveway and starts heading to her house. "Sooo, did you think about what I said earlier about a girlfriendd?" she teases with a smirk on her face. My stomach starts churning againg though. That word feels like it cuts through me. "Maybe I guess." I reply, begging for a change in subject. "Its fine Val, I love ya no matter how many girls your getting." Chloe says, giggling. "Well, looks like we're here." I grab the bags but Chloe takes them out of my hands and goes to unlock the door. I go grab willow out of her seat. Her smiles infectious. "Cmon Lo, let's go have some fun!" I smile as I pull willow into Chloe's house. Going in there feels like a hug. I'm so glad I don't have to hide anymore.

Word Count: 1516

I had fun writing this sorry that its so short for some reason lmao idk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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You're so miserable and stunning (Pete Wentz x Valentine Powers)Where stories live. Discover now