Locking eyes and lips

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Still 12th of April, 2019 - Taehyung's pov

Taehyung was so confused, but there wasn't anything to do when Wheein started kissing him. Even if he wanted to, his body wouldn't allow him to pull away. He placed one hand on her cheek and one on her back, while continuing the kiss. He couldn't tell if she only kissed him because she was being emotional after the uncomfortable man had grabbed her arm, or if she was actually kissing him because she wanted to. He didn't want it to be the first option. He only wanted to kiss her, if she wanted to kiss him as well.

Therefore he managed to pull away. "Wheein." He ran a lock of hair behind her ear. "Are you okay?" She nodded and kissed him again, but he pulled back. "Wheein." He stroked her cheek gently and made eye contact with her.

"I'm sorry," she said and removed her hands from him. It suddenly felt empty without her touch.

"Don't be." He kept his hands where they were, sending her a little smile. "But you have a boyfriend. I don't wanna be the person to ruin a relationship. If he saw us right now, I'm sure I would be dead." He laughed a little, still stroking her cheek. She bit her lip as if she was thinking really hard. Maybe she was. Taehyung ran a hand through her hair. "Look at me," he said gently, which she did. "Are you sure you're alright?"

She nodded with a sigh, leaning against his chest. "I'm so sorry," she said again. He played a little with her hair, trying to make her feel comfortable. "I don't have a boyfriend." Taehyung's eyes widened, but he kept playing with her hair, not saying anything. "It was just something I said to avoid your questions." He didn't know how to react to her words. He didn't know how she wanted him to react. Was she expecting something or was she just all over the place, confused with her own emotions?

"Was I that much of a pain in the ass?" He asked with a small giggle, looking down at her face. She smiled shyly, not answering him. He kept holding her in his arms. "Look, Wheein, I don't know what I'm doing, nor what you're doing, but what do you say we head back to the others? Then we'll drink some alcohol and loosen up a bit." She nodded, pulling away from him.

"Okay. Sorry if I'm being too transgressive," she said. He shook his head, grabbing one of her hands, letting his fingers slide between hers. Her hand felt so small in his.

"Seriously, don't worry about it. You're just emotional, it's okay." He smiled at her, leading her back to the crowd and then letting go of her hand, so that the other idols didn't see them together. It felt wrong to let her go, but there was nothing else to do in a situation like this.


Wheein's pov

As Taehyung let go of Wheein's hand and she went straight for a glass of champagne, all the things that'd happen suddenly hit her. What had she been thinking? And the way she acted around him - what was that all about? He just made her weak in the knees, and she'd acted like a complete baby who needed to be comforted, which was so far away from her normal behavior. She shook her head and quickly got back to reality.

This backstage gathering wasn't at all as big as the one at the MAMA's, so all the idols were gathered in the lounge area, a setup composed by four couches. That meant that she had to be near Taehyung, which was more than awkward.

She sat down next to Hyejin, who folded an arm around her. "That was quite a long visit at the restroom," she laughed. Wheein rolled her eyes and gently pushed Hyejin. "What were you doing?" She had a curious look in her eyes. Wheein took a scan and saw that almost all of the other idols had their eyes fixated on them.

She turned back to her friend with a smile. "Just my makeup."

"But your lipstick's all smudged," Hyejin pointed out, and Wheein sent her eyes that could kill. "But of course that must be from the champagne," she then added, while she understandably looked very confused. Wheein just smiled and glanced around the room, where the rest fortunately had started talking again. She let her gaze land at Taehyung, who was already looking at her with a flirtatious smile. She blushed a bit, intentionally scratching her forehead with her middle finger while smiling at him. He laughed silently and got back to his conversation with a member from SHINee.

"Namjoon just got up," Hyejin whispered. "Should I go up there and talk to him?" Wheein turned her head to see Namjoon refilling his champagne glass.

"Yes, do that," Wheein said. "And let me know how it went afterwards!" Hyejin got up and walked over there, and Wheein observed her conversation with Namjoon, until someone sat besides her. She turned her head finding Jimin from BTS. "Hey," she said with a smile. She'd never had an actual conversation with him, but he always seemed so nice.

"Hi." He took a sip from his champagne glass and looked at her with a smile. "You're Wheein, right?" he asked and she nodded. "I'm Jimin." He reached out his hand, and she gently squeezed it, after which they both pulled back their hands. "I just wanted to say that you guys made such a great performance at the MAMA's."

Wheein's smile grew bigger. "Thank you! And you guys too, you're always so powerful on the stage." Jimin laughed a bit. "What? You are! And not to sound like a fangirl or anything, but your new album's killing it."

"Well, thank you," he answered her. She took a sip of her champagne and saw Jimin looking over at Hyejin and Namjoon. "I kind of have this feeling that those two are a little bit more than just work associates." Wheein followed his gaze and looked at the two, who were both laughing. She couldn't help but smile.

"You know what? Me too. But they're super cute, look at them." Both Jimin and Wheein laughed.

"They are," Jimin said. "Hey, can I get your number?" Wheein looked surprised and hesitated a bit, but he quickly continued: "Don't worry, not in a romantic way, I just find it nice talking to you." She smiled at him.

"Of course you can," she said, writing down her number on a piece of paper. "But I'd be careful if I were you. You've barely spoken to me for one minute. I can be quite unpleasant company if I want to." She winked at him, handing him her number. She then glanced over at Taehyung, finding him already looking at her. There was a new type of look in his eye. Was that.. jealousy? Wheein tried not to laugh at it, and directed her attention back to Jimin who was laughing.

"I was actually thinking that maybe you would want to sing with me sometime?" He smiled at her. "You're really good at singing falsetto." Wheein looked skeptical. "What?" Jimin asked.

"Do you want to learn from me?" Jimin was known for his pleasing voice, and Wheein admired it deeply, so him wanting to learn from her felt unreal.

"Yeah," he answered. "Your singing is really impressive." She nodded a bit and agreed to sing with him sometime. He smiled. "Cool. Then maybe I can teach you some contemporary dance as an exchange."

"I'd love that," she replied and they said their goodbyes. Soon after Jimin had left, Taehyung settled down next to her. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"What did Jimin have to say to get your number?" he asked and Wheein started laughing. He was jealous. Jealous because he wanted her number. "What? I'm not joking." She kept laughing and took a sip of her champagne.

"He just had to flirt a little, give me some compliments and that kind of stuff." She tried to contain her laugh. She and Jimin hadn't been flirting at all, but jealous Taehyung was quite amusing, and if she just agreed to give him her number, she probably wouldn't get to see more of him. Her technique seemed to work, as the expression on Taehyung's face got more tight, not looking quite satisfied.

"Considering that we locked lips about fifteen minutes ago, I feel like I'm worthy enough to get your number as well." Wheein tilted her head back and forth, as if she was really thinking about his words.

"You sure about that? You haven't been very flattering to me." Wheein had a playful twinkle in her eye as she placed the glass of champagne in front of her lips, concealing the wide smile she had on her face. "Why don't you give it a try and see if you'll be able to get my number?" She could tell by his face that she was challenging him. He asked why she wouldn't just give it to him, to which she replied: "What would the fun be in that?"

He licked his lips and ran a hand through his hair, clearly not knowing what to do next. Wheein just observed his movements in anticipation. "It's not like I can do anything here," he then said, looking at her. "We're surrounded by too many people." Wheein sighed dramatically, getting up from the couch.

"I'll probably just head home then," she said, picking up her purse. "I'm certain we'll see each other around." She winked at him and had already left, before he was able to come with any objection.

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