Meeting Delphine and second dragon battle

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(After following the instructions on the note which surprisingly brought them back to Riverwood The group then headed inside the town inn. There While Lydia and Katelin stayed in the main hallway, Sadie and Jack had asked a woman for an attic room ( See image at the top).  She took the money and then told gave them the room to their right. After sleeping for about 4 hours the two were awakened to see the same woman in front of them.)

" So which of you is the Dragonborn, and make it quick there is a lot that we need to discuss. ( See's jack raises his hand but then catches Sadies eyes change for a split second). Good now close the door and follow me. " The woman says as she opens a hidden stairway.  ( After closing the bedroom door the two then begin to follow the strange woman down the stairs. There she explains how the dragons are not just coming back but are also coming back from the dead. She also explains how she has found an area where the next dragon is said to be rising from its grave, in a town called Kynse groove. The two tell the woman that they will meet her there since they know where it is. As they leave they grab Lydia and Katelin,  get on their horses and rush to Kynse groove hoping to make it there before the dragon can do any damage to the town. 

( After riding for what seemed like 6hrs they finally arrive at the town only to see a black dragon hovering over the gravesite. They get off their horses and run to the site only o see firsthand how the black dragon is reviving dead dragons. While this happening a second purple dragon with purple highlights on its scales is watching the pair from behind. It starts to get a feeling as if it knows the two humans in front of it. Back with Jack and Sadie, they listen as the dragon called Alduin mocks Jack for taking the name Dova. Alduin then orders the revived dragon to death the two humans while he sets out to revive their brothers. )

" Is it just me is he getting cocky thinking this guy can beat us ( Draws his sword as he prepares for the fight)." Said Jack. " No your right that guy was really Cocky, let's get rid of this guy, and then we can worry about the one that revived him later. " Said Sadie as she drew her sword and charged at the dragon with Jack right behind her.

( While this is happening Lilith decides that it's time to go, so she flys off away from the battle to contemplate how she knows those two and whether or not if they are the two she has been looking for.)

( Meanwhile we between Falkreth and Riverwood we come to find Clair in a battle with an imperial named Eve. The two are currently fighting because Clair was sent to intercept Eve and prevent her from sending vital information to the Empire. The two have been fighting for 3hirs with neither giving up ground).

" I will not ask you again, either give me the bag, or I will take it from you." Said Clair as she continues to clash blades with Eve. " I can not do that, these are for the general's eyes only and no one else." Said Even as she tried to finish the fight as quickly as she can only to get knocked away 10 ft by a shout from Clair. " Don't make this hurt any more than it has to, give me the bag ( watches Eve get up and start shooting arrows at her). Ok then you brought this on yourself  WUL-NACEST!" Saide Clair as she suddenly sprinted towards Eve. " I need to get to solitude, but this storm cloak is in my way. Although where did she learn that shout, she couldn't have learned it from the Dragonborn that's been the talk of many towns she must have trained with the greybeards. (  Suddenly hears the Roar of a dragon and looks to see a Purple headed towards them,  she looks at Clair to see that she has also spotted the dragon.) Nows my chance." Said Eve as she runs into the woods using the distraction of the dragon to escape. "( Looks back to where Eve was only to find her gone) darn it no, she used to the dragon to get away. I need to go after her. Voss   ( uses a shout to find the Imperial ) there you are, you're not getting away." Said Clair as she ran after the imperial. 

( Back with Jack and Sadie they have defeated the dragon and gotten some answers as to who the dragon is. They must now make their way to solitude in order to meet an imforment that will help them sneak into a party hosted b the Almeria Dominion.  

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