Chapter 20 : Search

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Chapter 20: Search

“Damn it. Where can she be”

Kichiro and Eiji were searching for Hanako everywhere. They were running through the forest ignoring all the explosion happening in the Hidden Leaf Village. Kichiro took a quick look behind to see smoke in the air.

Eiji and Kichiro ran faster on the branches of the trees. Looking around the area hoping to find Hanako. They had hoped that nothing bad had happened to her.

“We got to find her fast! Who knows what might have happened to her.” Eiji said to his brother.

“I’m pretty sure nothing bad has happened to her. She is after all Hanako. If she were to get hurt then it has to be someone more powerful than Itachi.” Kichiro said looking ahead.

“You don’t know that! She could be died right now for all we know.” Eiji said.

“Little brother, you need more faith in the person that you love so much in your heart,” Kichiro said looking at his younger brother who was growing anxious every second that they were running.

“I do. I trust in Hanako  to be able to defeat anyo-”

“Then you shouldn’t be thinking that she is dead or hurt. If you really trust Hanako and believe in her. You wouldn’t be worrying as much as a headless chicken. She’s alive, ok?” Kichiro said.

Eiji didn’t reply back to Kichiro comment. He knew what Kichiro was saying was true and that he should have more faith in Hanako and her abilities but he couldn’t help but worry about her. Especially since she had that fight with him.

Eiji loved Hanako too much that it had destroyed his and Kichiro’s relationship with her. He never saw her until her fight with Shino and even then she couldn’t see her beautiful face. She hasn’t spoken to him or Kichiro yet. The Uchiha boy was being her messenger boy and told them small answers to their questions about her.

Eiji hated Sasuke. He thought that Sasuke was trying to keep her away from them. From rejoining the family again. He hated how he knew where she was but wouldn’t tell him or Kichiro or anyone. He hated how he would appear on his front door and tell them how Hanako was doing or feeling at the moment. Kichiro had to restrain Eiji sometimes from bursting out at Sasuke.

If Itachi was here, Eiji’s and Kichiro’s head would be on a silver platter. No, their own body and pieces of their organ would be on that platter. They had promised him to keep her safe. If they didn’t they knew the consequences if they didn’t do so.

Itachi would kill them faster than lightning. He would torture them until they both gave out or die from the torture. It was probably his method of making them feel pain or the pain that Hanako felt would probably feel towards him not protecting her. Eiji knew how much Itachi loved Hanako. It was enough to kill almost anybody that touched her or harmed her in any way form.

Kichiro looked at his brother’s face as various types of expression appear and disappear from his face. It looked as if he was having a conflict with himself. It worried Kichiro sometimes when Eiji did that. He didn’t want his brother to feel the effects of the situation. No brother wants their younger brother to break down.

“If Itachi was here, we would be dead meat right now,” Eiji whispered to himself.

“He isn’t here though so don’t think about what Itachi would do to us right now. He can’t harm us if we aren’t here. If he is here, I will protect you Eiji.” Kichiro said to Eiji.

“You aren’t going to throw your perverted book at him are you?” Eiji said trying to lift the tension of the situation.

“Hey! It’s not perverted and I’m not perverted. Plus, Itachi wouldn’t be interested in that kind of stuff. He’s only interested in Hanako.” Kichiro glared at Eiji.

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