I'm sorry(happy birthday apple siblings)(late)

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Passive was for the first time attempting to a meeting, he was listening closely until he heard

Cross and I will try to kill all the positivity. Terror said with a smile Passive was silent he knew he meant his brother.

{after the mision}

 The two friends didn't talk after Terror came from the mission at one point he knew something was off so he asks

Hey Passive why are you so silent? Terror said not sure if he should get worried

Leave me alone...

Hey, what happened? Terror started to get worried since he never had this behavior

just leave me alone. Passive tried to keep his tears until he left but at one moment when Terror all most left he realized that he heard the meeting, he understood what happened. He got closer to his little "friend"(do you guys know why it is "friend" let me know in the comment)and told him 

Come here I'm sorry for you that you heard that but I want you to understand something. You know that we are on different sides but I promise I won't hurt him, but you need to promise me that you won't try to take control in any of the battles, promise? Passive heard those words and burst out crying

I-I'm s-so-sorry I d-didn't want to make you g-get wo-worried! Passive said sobbing Terror took in his arms the little skeleton told in his ears some sweats nothings he couldn't see his crush crying. They both stayed in a thigh cuddle and the two skeletons fall asleep

{The next day}

Terror woke up and saw that Passive was still asleep he decided to make some cupcakes since today was a special day his crush's birthday and decide to try to make it a little bright the day. While he was doing the cream the murder time trio came in the kitchen.

Boss, what are you doing? Killer asked confused

making some cupcakes. Terror responded very annoyed about them being with him 

But why? Horror asked cause he knew his boss never does something without a reason

That's not your business Horror. He said after he finished doing the cupcakes he took some and got some and gave them 

for what is this for? Dust asked

Today was one of my friend's birthdays and I promise him that he won't feel lonely sad or that he won't get hurt ever again...I hurt him without realizing it. Terror said he didn't realize that Passive was behind him and heard all those words. They started to eat and Terror came in his room with a cupcake for Passive and he didn't see him and he started to call him but before to pronouns his name he appears  standing right in front of him

GOSH, Passive you gotta stop doing that! He said a little mad for the heart attack he gave him but started to laugh, which made Passive laugh too. Terror gave the cupcake he made and said.

Happy birthday! Terror said smiling

Awww, Terror, you didn't have to do this, also you didn't hurt me when you know...I just overreacted- Passive was cut by Terror's words.

No Night I knew that you care so much for your brother, and this is why you also ate the apple...But I didn't care. Terror said trying to not make any of them sad but he got hugged by Passive and let a small tear fall

Stop making me cry, Terror said didn't like the idea of crying

But I didn't mean to make you cry, im just saying the truth! Passive said

okay, Passive I gotta go, umm, how about you go see what Dream is doing?

Yeah, your right. Passive said as he teleported, after that Terror got science's lab and asked.

so are there any possible? Terror asked

well there's one, but I'm not sure if it works. Science said

So what is it? Terror said 

(Hey reader what are you doing, what do you think is it good, what do you think about this chapter but mostly what do you think Terror is planning)

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