Phase 1

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Night had fallen in Yakutia, They slowly move down the road when Sam looks over to the passenger seat "Buck are you sure this chick lives out here? I know you said you saw her name in hydra records but really last time you saw that girl was when she was little and your memory is not very reliable." "We're already this far out and if I'm able to remember her this well just by her 'cover name' she must have been important." Buck says impatiently. Slowly going over a hill full of ice they start to see lights, but not any lights, not like the eloquent ones they've seen in the skies for hours now, Seemingly home lights dimly shining over into the road and around the area. The short time it took to get there gave enough time for Sam to grow confusion and Bucky to grow anxiousness. As they slowly inch up to the house they ever so slightly see into the houses oversized windows to see shadows that gives both of them a small sense of deja vu.

As car doors shut and cold tired sounds come from Sam a realization comes to Bucky that he has no idea what's she's capable of. He goes around the car and starts to walk down the pathway carefully due to packed on ice, Sam walks by his side until reaching the the side of the connected garage where he gets pushed back. As they reach the door Buck looks down, closes his eyes and just takes a deep breath for a minute. At once he brings himself to knock one the door and waiting until a familiar pair of blue eyes get in perfect contact of Bucky's. In a state off utter shock Sam stumbles back as Buck just continues to eye the tall male figure. Before any words are said between the 3 men a woman in a 40s house dress and heels walks over drying a dish with a rag. Slowly walking over the simple words of "Honey, who is here at this hour?" leave her mouth in a calm loving tone until she sees him "James?" She calls out. "You're supposed to be dead" Buck says in a panicked voice. "And not young either" Sam says after him with a pause. "Sam" he pauses for a moment "Buck" he says nearing the point of tears. After a short second that felt like forever all that is heard in the room despite the other people in connecting rooms is "Steve? Peggy?" As Peggy moves to the side as well as pulling Steve she gestures for them to come inside.

They come inside the corridor and as they take off their snowy jackets and slushed boots they peek into a beautifully lit connected kitchen and branched out living space. They walk down and as they look to their right they see Vision very clearly sitting there noses deep in a magazine sipping some unknown presumably hot drink. The continue following Peg and Steve til they reach and island with stools that barley have backs. "Please take a seat" Peggy says sweetly grabbing a kettle and setting it down on a nicely designed flower cloth on top of the light grey marble island. "Oh Stevie honey can you get two tea glasses for our guests" she kindly asks with an immediate aftermath of Steve going over to the cabinets and grabbing two delicate glass tea cups and corresponding ringed plates. "I'm guessing you want answers" She sighs and Steve sets down the cups in front of her. "Well, yeah" Sam replied. As she poured the glasses with calming peppermint tea she starts "Well I'm not the best at explaining but this is what I can tell you. We aren't alive, clearly, but we look act and are the exact same people." "So ghosts?" Sam exclaims. "Not exactly, we are our afterlife selves but just here" Steve pitches in. "Hold on let me just-" Steve says. "Nat can you come here!" A medium red haired woman walks not paying attention to the guests sitting there. "Hey what's up? I'm trying to fold clothes right now" she looks up and just pure confusion appears on her face.

"These two showed up unexpectedly and we down know how to explain us to them, can you?" Peggy looks at her with motherly seeming eyes. "Okay well this girl had this ability to let's just say 'project' dead people back into reality. So it's like she pulls our spirits back to life but only in her control." Nat explains. "Why don't you guys come fight with us then?" Sam says questioningly. "Well she used to be owned by Hydra and she would end up having to be with us putting her at a constant risk. And actually only about 3 days ago she was attacked by them while in town getting food and supplies so right now she's really weak." Nat says relatively quickly. "Well fighting in the snow got her and real bad fever too" Peggy chimes in. "Typically we have more people but due to her being so weak she can only project the five of us." Steve says. "Five?" Buck looks around counting. "Well there's one more person but he's trying to get her to rest at the moment" Nat says taking a short breath. "Come meet her, just stay quiet for now." Nat exclaims as she turns around. Steve and Peggy with Vision still not acknowledging their existence stay behind as the other two get up and follow. As they walked down a warm hallway scattered with doors and artwork Nat starts up again "So me and the person she's with right now are her main projectors, we are the ones that even when see is at her weakest she can project us. That also makes us her protectors, Shh stay here hold on-"

Her quiet vocie following with a creaky door opening to reveal part of a maroon-ish purple colored room lit by candles in a unseen corner and a wall of bookshelves littered with old and new books. "How is she?" Nat questions. "I got her to doze off but she's still burning up" and lightly spoken yet still deep British voice appears. Nat waves Sam and Bucky in, to appear a young woman in her early twenties restlessly laying on the God of mischief's chest as himself had been wearing modern clothes, and had his arm wrapped around her flipping through a thick spined book. "Loki?" Sam exclaims a little to loud awakening the woman causing everyone in the house to vanish, candles to go out, and lights starting to flicker.

She strikes up in bed out of fear and the on think she hears is "Agent Zero?" Scared of it being Hydra she painfully jumps up in bed to be met by a pair of familiar eyes and and shiny arm with an unknown figure next to him. "Soldier?" She slowly says, lower back hitting the pillow. Everyone filters back looking around to make sure everything is okay. "Sweetie are you alright?" Loki walks back into the room. "Yeah, I'm okay" she says still eyeing Buck. Loki walks over picking up a box of matches and lighting the plain candles once again. He lays down pulling the woman to him and gently rubbing her back. "How do you remember me? I know your brain was wiped but mine never was." She asks Buck. "Well I saw your code name in old Hydra files and remembered you." Buck tries to explain the rationally. "So you're telling me you haven't seen me since I was a damn child but you suddenly see my code in corrupted Hydra files and you just pick up to go see me?" She asked in pure confusion. "Finally Buck someone who gets how this doesn't make sense" Sam looks over judgmentally at Bucky. "Like you don't even know my real name come on" You look at him with the same eyes as Sam. "Hey, Y/n calm down you need to relax hon you're straining your body to much" Loki says blatantly trying to take control of the situation. "Yes I know it's crazy but just hear me out here-" Bucky starts before.

"How about we all get some rest and talk about this later" Peggy buds in. "Let's find you some rooms, shall we" Peggy says with a fake and very agitated smile closing the door behind them. "You need to be more careful, Vision didn't appear back this time. That's doesn't mean he's gone forever but it's making her weaker and we can't let that happen. Now here these are so extra of Stevie's clothes and you can stay in these rooms for the night" She hands them clothes and about to send them off to different rooms until she turns to Sam "If Pietro is in there when you get up tomorrow, don't mind it that's his room anyways."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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