~The fall~

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Hi all ik I'm in the middle of another story but I had an idea and really just needed to get it down so here it is I hope it doesn't suck :)

Felix pov~

Tonight was unnaturally cold as I walked my usual path back from my forest hide away. I made a small hut one year when the abuse got really bad and I had ran away but this time I was never going back home the horrible bastard my mum married decided enough was enough, murdered my mother and framed me! Crazy. The police are after me an active hunt on for the run away 21 year old that killed his own mother I hide in the forest as no one dares to enter the town has myths and legends all of which are scary enough to stop people entering especially after those who did never came back. I personally think it's all rubbish since I've been living here for the past 5 months and I've not seen or heard a soul, it's eerily quite in the woods but you get used to it.

Everything is quite the birds only sing about half an hour before sunrise which is strange but they're quite for the rest of the day at first it freaked me out now I pay it no mind. Today however I venture out which is very unlike me as I prefer to stay in the safety of my hut but I've run out of food and fresh water so I must find some to keep me going and to stick up on as winter hits. I purposely kept some tinned food back for winter knowing meat would never last without going bad.

I slowly make my way towards the river bank I found on my run the other week, yes I keep my fitness up never know when you might need to make a run for it. Anyway water that's what I came for some water I brought with me my container that I store my water in luckily the water is clean enough to drink from and once it was filled up I screwed the lid on and hoisted it onto my back to carry it home.

I'm halfway home before I start to get the feeling I'm being watched but when I turn round there's no one there so I keep walking, I feel a drip on my face and look up to see the sky quickly darkening and rain started to fall, breaking into a light jog I set off just hoping to get home before I get too wet and my clothes always take forever to dry in my little hut as there's only really my body heat I have a fire pit that I made with this big sheet of metal I found that I bashed into a bowl with a large rock, but I'll need to go out again to get firewood when it dries up again, I only just have enough wood to get through the "freezing" as I like to call it, it's quite the spectacle everything starts to freeze frost forms and any rain turns to snow but only for 4 hours during the night after that everything returns to normal the sun comes up and it there never any remanence of the freezing when daylight hits it's a strange phenomenon that only happens deep inside these woods. Don't know if I wanna find out why but as long as I can keep warm then all will be alright.

Hyunjin pov~

Dinner time hehehe the best time of my day, well night time for the humans the phenomenon that happens deep within these woods that we call the freezing is the perfect time to hunt it hits in seconds and everything is covered in frost and if your unlucky you'll freeze with it well we won't cause our blood is way colder than that of the temperature outside we can survive in the heat but we thrive in the cold the southern vampires call us the "artics or ice princes/princesses" they could never survive well here it's way to cold for them. We can adapt to their temperature since it never used to freeze a few centuries ago we used to get heatwaves instead and then the rest of the time it'd feel like spring but suddenly it changed but we kinda like it like this we can live in peace.

As I sprint through the forest on search for my dinner I feel a tug in my heart and my body starts moving on it's own, the next moment I'm stood in front of a small hut, strange no one would have the guts to live out here, curious I walk closer and soon notice the heat the radiates from the wooden structure and make my way slowly to the window stepping onto a patch of thawed out grass I look in to see a fire and on a chair across from it a small boy with blonde hair and a galaxy of freckles dusted over his cheeks sleeping peacefully under a fluffy blanket.

The fall~ Hyunlix oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now