Changlix- Part 1

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Felix rubbed his hands one against the other, harshly, hoping the cold would not freeze his fingertips before the older came down the dorm with the gloves he had forgotten.

The morning was cold and silent, though the streets were filled with people, running around in their last preparations for Christmas on the morning of the 24th.

Felix had a big jacket on, his blonde, newly short hair tucked under a black binnie and a black face mask on as well, covering both his identity and his very very cold nose.

The dorm to the company's dorms opened and another guy appeared, running a bit to catch up with the taller. He wore a black jacket as well, a green sweater that, in Felix's opinion, made his eyes look pretty, and his brown hair was covered in a bit of snow already.

He handed a pair of gloves to Felix and put on a binnie on himself, smiling at him after and pulling the mask up.

"Let's go?"

"Yep. Bike?"

"Not a good idea, I don't feel line walking too but then how are we going to bring the tree?"

Felix shrugged, jumping a bit as they started walking.


"Sure, Lixie, we'll steal it from Santa Claus, down at the park."

The taller chuckled, dropping his hand on the jacket pocket and smiling under the mask as Changbin's arm made it's way to his, hooking around him and shivering as they walked side by side, closer at each step, looking for each other's heat.

They didn't say much along the walk, but they didn't need too.

Felix knew Changbin was not exactly good with words unless he was writing a song, or spitting a free style, sometimes, when it came to his feelings or even, sometimes, small talk, he was a mess.

And he loved it.

They could enjoy the silence they never had back at the dorms, take a walk, by bike sometimes, watch the view, stare at the moon, play in the snow.

Like they were not idols at all.

Just Changbin and Felix.

Just them.


"Can we stop by the Christmas market?", Changbin asked out of the blue, his sparkling eyes looking up at Felix. "I'm still missing Innie's gift and he's got that date tomorrow so I figured I could give him some cute pin with a mistletoe or something if he feels like playing around a bit."

Felix chuckled at the idea, nodding.

"We can go there but I don't think he'll use it. That situation still feels weird."

"Maybe, but as long as he is happy. I hope she's cool. I'd love to have some Christmas story like that if I ever get a partner."

Felix was caught up between partner instead of girlfriend or rolling his eyes. He decided to both overthink the choice of words and slap the older's head lightly.

"Of course you will, what? You want to be 80 with 8 cats?"

Chnagbin smiled under the mask, and Felix could see it through his eyes, which left him confused.

"You said 80 and 8, I love the number 8."

"Okay, what did you have to drink this morning?"

Changbin groaned, pulling his arm away and moving in front of Felix as they crossed a bridge, the older spun around a bit, laughing under the snow and the Christmas lights, making Felix almost trip.

That was the purest thing he had ever seen.

"Don't you find it pretty?", Changbin stared at the river, watching the Christmas market extend itself along the water.

Felix was looking at him, though.

"It is.", he cleared his throat immediately, leaning closer to wrap an arm around the shorter and pull him back on track. "And we need to get there faster before we lose lunch."

Felix could feel his pout, but Changbin let him guide him and hooked their arms back together.

"But i really meant it, if I'm ever to fall in love, I want it to happen during Christmas. It's such a cute time!"

"You never sounded like a romantic to me."

"I literally wrote Sorry I love you, Felix."

The taller rolled his eyes.

"That was a sad song!"

"Still about romance!"

Felix sighed, pulling him down to the entrance of the market.

"We go and get the pin, then the tree, we don't get side tracked."

Changbin nodded, letting his hand fall down to hold Felix's one, intertwining their fingers and pulling him closer to the small tents.

He showed the younger funny things, almost bough the whole market by impulse, tried a bunch of cakes, got a new blanket with reindeers and ran away from an elf before he finally found a pin that was good enough for his taste.

Felix stared at it, in his hand as they walked out of the tent.

A small painting of a mistletoe on a white pin, it was simple yet pretty, and he was actually convinced that, ignoring the reason behind the choice, Jeongin would love to use it on a daily basis.

"You know, I have your gift here with me." Changbin stopped right as they reached the part of the market where they could get their tree.

Felix froze, putting the pin back on it's box and furrowing his eyebrows.

"Why? We are only opening them-"

"I know but I want to give yours this morning. But after the tree!"

"No, now you made me curious.", Felix pulled his back by his arm, making the shorter stumble against him.

"Too bad.", he smiled, too close for Felix to ever survive that if they were not wearing face masks.

Then his hand naturally slid down again, and their fingers intertwined as they entered the small gate.

Felix let the older drag him around, talking about what kind of tree he thought they should take, laughing at his own jokes about some trees and smiling at the kids that ran around like that place was some kind of maze.

Felix stopped as they found the tree, watching as the shorter got it all done and taken care of with the employees.

"Lix?" He smiled, nudging the younger. "I though you said we could not get side tracked, stop dreaming awake and help me out here."

Felix scoffed, rolling his eyes and moving to help him with the tree.

It's impossible to not get sidetracked with you.

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