Dont go yet..-Angst||pt2!

219 4 17

Your POV:
You and Tanjiro slowly walk towards the yelling flame hashira "UMAI!! UMAI!!!" he shouts as he happily ate his bento, you cover your ears, not wanting to hear his yells,
" rengoku-San?" You ask the blonde headed man, "UMAI! UMAI! UMAI!" He shouts every time he has a piece of meat from his lunch, "Uh rengoku-San!" Tanjiros says a bit below a shout, "UMAII!!" He says for the the last time, you both sigh, "we heard you the first 70 times.." you sweatdrop.

Tanjiro then proceeds to grab your hand, a bit nervous to be with the loud male, you squeeze his hand a lil as a sign that your here for him, he smiles at you lovingly as he blushes a bit, you both sit in a Cushioned bench and start a small conversation with the hashira infront of you, you decide to silently hand talk with Inosuke, since you have nothing better to do (NOT SIGN LANGUAGE THO).

You then give a small wave to Inosuke, he notices your movements and excitedly waves back, you decide to mouth to him 'ARE YOU TRYING TO JUMP OUT THE WINDOW!?' He then nods as he grins widely, you laugh at his actions and mouth a 'I WANNA! BUT IM INFRONT OF A DAMN HASHIRA' you both snicker.

You then slowly let go of Tanjiros hand, whispering a small "sorry!" As you do so, you then open the window next to you and stick your head out, You gasp at the beautiful sight before you, Once again, God paints the sky like a canvas, creating a beautiful scenery, You admire the beauty, and mouth Inosuke a 'Bro! Look outside it's so pretty'.

He then nods at you, agreeing to do so, he looks outside as well as little stars and flowers float beside him as he watched the beautiful sky in awe, "woah.." he whispers, Zenitsu is just off in his little world, not even bothering to stop Inosuke at this point.


You and Tanjiro are peacefully sleeping, both holding each other's hands, your head on his shoulder and his head on yours, the male infront of you looks at you both, 'they are a very good couple, I wish the best for them' he says in his mind, realizing he's sleepy, he decides to take a "small" nap.

You begin open your eyes to see your in a forest, Filled with thick layers of snow, Where were you? And why is this place so familiar? You sense something is wrong so you go to grab your katana that always lays on your hip at all times, as you try to grab the sword, you realize there's nothing there, "what the hell..?" That's always have it right there? "must be my imagination" you say.

You walk further into the snow filled forest, you then see a small cabin..? oh my God..that's F/N's home..
(F/N MEANING FRIENDS NAME) I thought they.., never mind, I must be going then walk to the door, and slowly opening it, you then see F/N sitting down, making a flower crown, they didn't notice you there so they minded their business.

You stare at them in shock, 'F-F/N..?' You start crying uncontrollably, "F/N!! OH MY GOD" they turn around, seeing you, "Oh hey y/n what's up?"
You run up to them and tackle them to the ground, sobbing loudly, you then scream in agony, you missed them so much, This can't be happening! This must be a dream! "I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE!!" You hug them tightly, as if they would disappear if you even dared to let go.

They stare at you in confusion "what do you mean? I've never left?" They frown at your weak crying figure, "hey calm down..look at me..what happened?" Your breathing becomes unstable as you try to explain, "I-I I WAS A DEMON SLAYER- A-AND YOU WERE DEAD AND NOW I SEE YOU!? I DONT KNOW WHY IM HERE-".

They stared at you as you Rambled on about how your life was before you ended up here, "I know what's wrong, you must've passed out from the cold and had a dream, come on, I'll get you some warm tea" they grab your hand and guide you to their room, and place you on their futon.

*DISCONTINUED* 𝑈𝑛𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒♡︎ Tanjiro oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now