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❝  𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒐𝒌𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒔.  ❞ 


Lilith couldn't stop thinking about the fact that her memory loss was currently affecting her more often than usual. She remembered the previous night. She remembered Fred asking for her forgiveness, them fusing into a warm and intense kiss and Lilith deciding to start to forgive him. But there was a lacuna in it — there was a space in her memory so completely blank that she felt a voice in her head telling her she shouldn't forget what had happened, but at the same time, being unable to tell what happened.

She was walking through the market in Diagon Alley looking for the proper ingredients to make more of the potion she had prepared for Fred's mother. He hadn't asked her to, but she felt it could be a good chance to finally set peace between them. 

Diagon Alley seemed to be so busy and bustling, under the grey cloudy sky typical of English autumn, that Lilith had barely noticed a familiar person standing up by her side, pretending to look at the same herbs as her. Her eyes glanced up swiftly, recognising almost immediately a familiar purple hair. Lilith gasped, surprised at noticing it was Nymphadora Tonks herself the one standing up beside her. She hadn't seen her since before the wedding. 

"Tonks. What are you doing here?" Lilith whispered, staring everywhere around them to make sure nobody was poking their nose in her business.

"Just wanted to show up and greet you, mate. It's been a while since the last time we saw each other," Tonks smiled, giving Lilith that familiar mischievous and playful bright in her blue eyes. When she noticed the scared hint in Lilith's look, she huffed, laughing. "Don't worry, mate. I'm being careful."

Those words didn't calm the race beating in Lilith's chest — if she was hated in the Death Eater world, Dora was absolutely despised. Especially, considering her ancestry came from the renowned Black family, along with Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy. Except for the fact that Tonks was a traitor's daughter, she was a half-blood, a polluted link in the noble and ancient House of Black. 

If Tonks was nowadays alive, it was thanks to the mercy the Dark Lord had had for her mother.

"Is everything alright?" Lilith asked, still making sure nobody was listening to their conversation.

"I've been in contact with Moony and Padfoot," Remus and Sirius, Lilith thought at hearing those names from Tonks, "Apparently, there was an attempt in Wales. Eloise Cattermole tried to blow up Cardiff."

Lilith's eyes opened widely. She was clearly out of touch with what was happening outside of London or southern England, but she definitely knew the punishment for that would not be forgotten by anyone. 

Tonks grabbed discreetly one of the golden apples in the stand and bit it, hiding it then in her jacket. Lilith and Dora had met years ago in one of the top-secret Order reunions — one of the few ones Lilith had been able to assist. They had felt a quite unique connection between them all of a sudden that, instead of being overwhelming, it had been immensely magical and since then, both had been two double agents always holding each other's back.

Lilith still nowadays wondered what had Andromeda, widow of Tonks, promised or begged in order to keep her daughter and herself alive.

"What are they going to do with her? Hang her?" Lilith guessed.

Tonks snorted, ironic, "Nah, that's too light. They wanna send a message, Lilith. They know something's cooking against them — they are not stupid."

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