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It's already 2 weeks since Heeseung avoiding me. Even myself don't have that courage to talk with him since he keeps ignoring me whenever I tried to talk with him.

I sighed while looking outside the window. I just got home from school but I'm not happy at all.

"I don't understand, he already confess but he's ignoring me...."

I said still thinking why he acting like that.

Suddenly, the rain fall but I still giving my sad face even I love rain. But my face changed quickly when I saw Heeseung walking to his house.

He was walking slowly, to slow like a snail. He then stopped walking while looking at the ground.

"Why is he stop? He going to get sick...." I said and stood up while looking at him from the window.

I really want to approached him but what If he ignore me again?


Third POV

"You will get sick if you keep standing here." Said Yeonni while holding an umbrella.

Heeseung rolled his eyes and walked away without saying anything.

Heeseung already three steps away from her but Yeonni doesn't want to get ignored anymore.

"It hurts...."

Heeseung stop walking when she said that.

"You keep ignoring me and it hurts." She said as Heeseung turned around slowly.

Yeonni get closer to him as she cover him with the umbrella too.

"Why are you avoiding me? Why you didn't reply my text? Why you didn't pick up my call?" Asked Yeonni while looking at him sadly.

"I keep getting worry if I did something wrong which I doesn't even know." She said while looking down to her feet.

"You keep smiling to others and not me." She continued.

"You just confess to me two weeks ago and you acting like this making me thinking if you just playing with me."

Yeonni was shivered by the cold wind that blowing her expose legs.

The wind was a bit strong for Yeonni to hold the umbrella. Heeseung saw that and hold her hand that was holding the umbrella.

Yeonni flinched a little but still looking down to her feet since she was about to cry.

Yeonni sighed and looked at him. He can see how red her eyes was. He feel bad that his action make her feel like this.

"Go home, you will catch a cold." He said as Yeonni hold herself from crying.

Yeonni let Heeseung hold the umbrella as she tip toe and hugged him. 

"I like you too." She whispered to him as she begin to cry.

"Please stop ignoring me." She keeps crying silently while hugging him tighter.

Heeseung was stunned by her confession. All this time he was avoiding her to keep himself from falling for her but when he know the truth, he feel bad for making her sad.

Heeseung let go from her hugs and looked into her eyes.

Yeonni let out a small cry voice making Heeseung smile by her cuteness.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He said making Yeonni smile widely while still crying.

Yeonni nodded. "Yes!" She hugged him again as Heeseung hugged her back.

+ + +

Yeonni yawned and exited the house early in the morning, not as usual as she does. Since she is planning to go to the school together with Heeseung, she woke up really early just to follow Heeseung's everyday schedule.

"Morning." Heeseung greet her in front of her door.

Heeseung was reading his book while waiting for her. Yeonni looked at him strangely since it's for the first time she saw Heeseung wearing a glasses.

"Morning." She smile at him.

He hold her hand and put it in his cardigan pocket.

"Why is your hand so cold?" He asked as they walking together side by side.

"Because I showered with cold water." She said while trying to not shuttered since they still newly couple.

Heeseung hummed while caress her hand with his thumb. Yeonni looked at him and smile.

"I don't know you wear glasses." She said as he looked down at her.

"Yeah, I usually use lens but I lose it." He shrugged and sat on the bench with Yeonni beside him.

"Can I try?" She said.

Heeseung didn't say anything and lend her his glasses.

Yeonni wear it and looked at Heeseung. "How do I look?" She do a peace sign making Heeseung smile how cute she is.

"Let me take a picture." He said without letting go her hand that was on his pocket.

He then took a picture of her and took a picture together. He smile and keep his phone on his pocket.

"Oh, the bus is here."

Yeonni let go of his hand and gave him back the glasses. She then stood up to get in the bus.

After they sat on the seat inside the bus, Heesung hold her hand again. Yeonni looked at him and frowned.

"Our hand will getting sweat." She said but Heeseung ignored her and put his head on Yeonni's shoulder.

Yeonni want to let go his hand but Heeseung doesn't even get go her hand but hold it even tighter.

"Okay okay, don't hold it to tight my hand will get hurt." She said as she giggled and gave up on trying to let go of his hand.

Heeseung looked at her and gave her a peck on her cheek making Yeonni blushed.

"I'm happy that you confess last night." He said while smiling to her.

Yeonni scoffed and looked away. "You didn't even apologize for ignoring me. You know how embarrassing I am when you ignore me in front of the people?"

Heeseung let out a small laughed kissed her hand. "Sorry." He said, still letting a small laugh.

"Whatever." Said Yeonni while still sulking.

+ + +


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